Pet of the Week November 23, 2015 – November 30, 2015


Pet of the Week
November 23, 2015 – November 30, 2015


3 Years Old


Chihuahua Mix

Available at the P.D. Pitchford Companion Animal Village & Education Center

7700 East Spring Street

Long Beach, CA 90815

(562) 570-7722


I would love to come home with you. I want to be your best buddy. Boy do I love belly rubs and chin scratches. I would do anything for a treat! Plus how can you resist my adorable underbite?



4 Months Old


Orange Tabby – Domestic Long Hair

Available at the PetSmart Charities™ Everyday Adoption Center by spcaLA

8852 Washington Blvd
Pico Rivera, CA 90660

(562) 566-4029, ext. 5


May I present to you…kitty drum roll please…Prince Maximus!! His royal kitten-ness has arrived. Thou shall place thy hand on thy Orange Tabby’s head and pet for hours. Now kiss thy Prince’s paw, and thou shall receive his love forever. Please consider adopting this playful and handsome boy, as he is without a family. Maximus is available for adoption at the PetSmart Charities Everyday Adoption Center by spcaLA in Pico Rivera.