Patiently awaiting the arrival of my friend’s babies

From The Editor, Cristian Vasquez

For the past six weeks my close friend Noraly has been on bed rest due to her pregnancy. She is now seven months pregnant with twins and I could not be happier for my friend, her husband Esteban and their 1-year-old baby Max. When Noraly and I met we had more energy than we knew what to do with, which was ideal as we began our journey in the field of journalism in the El Camino College newsroom. For a year and a half we, along with other great friends, produced a weekly school newspaper only to rush off of campus to get into what we will call afternoon shenanigans. From baseball games to house parties to long dinners filled with random laughs and deep conversations, Noraly soon went from being a good friend to the little sister that my parents never conceived. I did everything I could to get a reaction out of her and she scolded me every time as she rolled her eyes and shook her head. Eventually, I would behave, she would forget about it and the day carried on.

When it was time to transfer from El Camino in the fall of 2005, we went our separate ways. Noraly was accepted to Cal State Fullerton and I left to San Diego State University. Despite the distance forcing us to not see each other pretty much everyday, we never really lost touch. It was during that time that she met Esteban, who I would eventually meet, leading to he and I becoming good friends. Today, as she lays in a hospital bed, bored and concerned about her soon-to-be-born babies, I wish I could do more to help her through this situation.

Sadly, she is being hospitalized in Fullerton so making the trip isn’t always convenient. However, through g-mail chat we have been going back and forth pretty much every day since she was admitted. I worry about my friend’s health and that of her babies but am comforted knowing that she is being monitored all day and that she is doing everything in her power to ensure that all turns out well. Noraly is a strong, relentless woman who has never made excuses. She knows how to figure things out and has overcome some challenging situations. Knowing Noraly, she will get through the next two months without complaining or whining. Yet, I wish I could help ease her discomfort and boredom as she is confined to a bed (not literally) surrounded by the four walls of that hospital room. As my good friend patiently waits to meet her sure-to-be-beautiful set of twins, I simply wish that I could do more.