Passover, Passion Week, Easter, resurrection and Mercury direct!


It’s Passover and Passion Week – two religious celebrations, two developmental stages of humanity. Passover – the Angel of Death “passed over the homes” of the Hebrews the night before leaving Egypt (end of Age of Taurus). Passion Week recreates the spiritual initiations of Jesus and Christ – betrayal, crucifixion, death, resurrection (our initiations, also).

Holy Thursday – Christ’s Last Supper, the washing of the feet (signifying humility, Pisces-Age task), the Holy Eucharist (bread of matter, the wine of spirit), Judas’ betrayal for 30 pieces of silver (personality betrays our spirit), agony in the Garden (of Gethsemane) by absorbing world evil, accepting the task of world savior (Pisces task) anchoring love on Earth from Sirius, and first strand of God’s will (after much unknowingness and asking for help).

Good Friday – crucifixion, death, the “veil was rent” (barrier to our return journey [evolutionary arc] back to spirit was removed), burial.

Holy Saturday – churches are dark, Earth spirits redeemed.

Sunday (Aquarius moon) – the stone is rolled away, the tomb is empty (humanity can now return home). It’s Easter, Christ has risen (resurrection), the Easter Bunny brings candy and chocolate eggs (new life). In all of this, we remember. Humanity is uplifted.

Meanwhile, on Holy Thursday, Venus enters Aries. Saturday (Earth Day), Venus joins Uranus (surprises with money, values and relationships) and Mercury is stationary direct (12 Aries). Wednesday, Venus squares Pluto (monetary situation is challenged and transformed). The livingness continues.

ARIES: Your new self-identity comes forth; red, wild, fast and right on schedule. There’s a bit of reflection in you, left over from a wound or two, from a point of brilliance that knows reflection is good. However, your get-up-and-go outshines everything else. There is a shift in your professional life that’s perhaps giving you pause. The sun has shifted into your house of values. They will change. Wear a bit more green.

TAURUS: It seems your body is in pain and suffering, being overworked to get life-preserving tasks completed quickly. You’re ready for the new society to arrive. But you’re not prepared enough. This poses a paradox. Defend your beliefs and understandings as to how the cosmos is progressing as you plant lettuces, arugula (rocket), radishes, beans and cucumbers following biodynamic planting days.

GEMINI: I will assume you’re really seeking to be the new kid on the block in some group or community. However, your idea takes you only so far. After several steps in that direction your courage fails and you turn back to what you know. What is of comfort? Perhaps during the next couple of months you’ll be able to take more steps, find yourself in the group you long for and feel a sense of accomplishment and stability. We’re waiting for you.

CANCER: You may begin to feel a bit more comfort with Sun in Taurus absorbing your watery ways (including tears). It’s important that routines are shaken, that excitement enter your life, that a liberating experience occurs so that you experience a fresh start in all endeavors. Gardening, in its simplest ways, is best for you. Your Cancer energies water the roots of all plants. The rootlets love you. The devas love you. The plants love you.

LEO: A resurrection is occurring in your thoughts of adventure, travel, study and your wanting to see things in a new light. Grace comes through the ability to be calm when transformation occurs, which may be occurring at work. You’ll need alternate perspectives and to stand on your values, they empower you. Allow disappointment to fuel thoughts of doing every thing new in every area of life. You need a little thrill.

VIRGO: You will feel calmer this week but only for a while. Then suddenly, a passion overtakes you. Plans are revised, things drift apart and a powerful surge of provocation is felt. Your best choice is to seek the utmost pleasures, based on hidden desires. These will save you from frustration, feelings of loss and a false consideration of what you lack (not real but you feel it). Don’t worry about the money.

LIBRA: Have you felt a withdrawal and a sense of seclusion? Have you been busy with other people’s realities, setting yours aside? This week relationships stabilize, there’s liberation in terms of loving someone, and a sense of vitality and power suddenly occurs. Shadows that arrive are about old things not thrown away, old patterns not dealt with and love withdrawn, which means love lost. It’s a family matter needing tending.

SCORPIO: In the next year and a half, new patterns, archetypes and ways of handling money will emerge. What are your thoughts concerning money these days? Perhaps you’re creatively imagining different situations with your money. Travel is one important consideration. Your daily life is in complete change. If you scuttle into a state of seclusion and secrecy, no one would mind. It would assist you in handling work pressures. Liberation is happening.

SAGITTARIUS: Soon, you will experience a shift into a calmer and more composed state, soothing your more impulsive thoughts and feelings. You welcome this. However, restraint still needs to be a point of intention. You could go off and spend all of your money, gambling all resources (emotional, physical) with one swift emotional trajectory. Then you’ll be responsible for consequences. You can be as dramatic as you’d like. However, be conciliatory, too – the usual paradox.

CAPRICORN: You’re both public and private, constrained and outgoing, professional and a homebody, sensible and passionate. You barely have patience at this time and truly need to get away, anywhere, experience new people, places, architecture, geography, culture and food, which will lead to a sense of empowerment that when you return allows for a new creativity to emerge (art, gardening, the landscapes of your mind). You will be faster than usual. Be aware that no one can keep up.

AQUARIUS: It’s most important to take care with all interactions, communication, driving, walking and moving about. Be careful with judgments, what and how you think. Be careful with anything you feel opposed to. Eventually, you will need to integrate what you oppose, so make its acquaintance, shadow it, shower it with harmony and be graceful. It’s possible that you’re looking for a new neighborhood to live in, one that’s eclectic, artistic, unusual, vibrant and creative. You may have to create it. Think community.

PISCES: You may feel that money is flowing from you like an unending stream and perhaps is. Take this time to consider all facets of your money and your resources. Order and organize in new ways all finances and resources. You have known to do this for a long time now and now that time of actual activity has arrived. Try not to destabilize previous financial endeavors. Sudden new values will appear. Embrace them slowly and cautiously.


Risa is founder and director of the Esoteric & Astrological Studies & Research Institute, a contemporary Wisdom School in the Ancient Mysteries tradition.


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