Occupy! The 99% People’s Aquarian Revolution


Libra is the sign that enters our world in times of transition. Humanity is in a state of transition at this time, changing over from the Age of Pisces (where we developed faith, hope and religion) to the Age of Aquarius (where we develop a knowledge base that realizes that freedom is most important for our survival). During transition, there is needed chaos (Ray 4). Humanity learns through Ray 4. During transitional periods, Libra, before Scorpio, steps in to assist in balancing the chaos. Libra also distributes Ray 3, the ray of Right Economy. Along with Venus, Libra’s ruler, Ray 3’s task is to balance imbalanced financial structures. Aquarius’s task is the demand for freedom, equality, justice and economic opportunities for everyone. We are seeing this demand for economic justice and demand for freedom in the “occupiers,” beginning on Wall Street and spreading around the country in towns and cities everywhere. This demand is an evolutionary phase strengthened by Libra’s economic focus and by Aquarius, the unfolding.

The sign influencing humanity after Libra is Scorpio. Sunday, the Sun enters Scorpio. Scorpio calls humanity to be the world disciple, the warrior, courageous enough to fight for justice and humanity’s freedoms.

The occupiers are the ones who are occupying a state of “warriorship,” demanding freedom from the thralldom of materiality. We are all called to the fierce spirit of the Scorpio warrior. Here’s a Youtube song to listen to: youtube.com/watch?v=o25s9SdA-gQ&feature=share&noredirect=1. It’s the Occupy Wall Street Anthem. Let us join them, this revolution. Is your town occupied yet?

ARIES: The keys to your achievements at this time, while also seeking freedom and independence from all restraints, are passion and creativity. Everything about you (and the world through your eyes) is edgy and a bit confrontational, like a “cat on a hot tin roof” (who wrote that?). Don’t be confrontational, lest you lose power and respect. Don’t clash with loved ones. Stay poised within imagination, inspiring creation.

TAURUS: Over and over, something occurs with your health and well-being. At this time, the planetary energies are such that heath must be a daily focus. Even though you’re busier than usual, health comes first. It’s best to rest more even if it’s uncomfortable. Tend to loved ones from the depth of your being. They need this. Things from the past bring in money and resources.

GEMINI: Something in your daily life may be either upsetting or directing you to a place of solitude, retreat and protection. Something occurs or is offered in terms of work, and you know the importance of response and follow-through. Again, you are hidden away or alone in this endeavor but you are not lonely. You talk with intimates about future plans and goals. You have adventurous ideas – big to small, here and there. A point of rest is found.

CANCER: Something at home needs reorganizing for balance to come forth. You may have to shake things up a bit. Your personal creative life is emphasized. Pay attention to this. Friendships are important once again, so tell friends so. Perhaps they will visit more. You want your public image clarified. That means you must come out of your shell. Ask lots of question. Be curious. Everyone needs empathic listening.

LEO: Do you feel restrained in communicating? Are you being invited to anchor a structure or reality or idea in your neighborhood? Are you called to be part of the global protestors in your town or village with their General Assembly agendas? You would be an excellent leader if you could rouse yourself to leave home and come out from under the veil of self-imposed temporary secrecy and protection. Either your yard or basement needs tending.

VIRGO: Becoming involved locally brings forth your gifts. You feel safeguarded. Your presence would be received with gladness and you would engage with other like-minded individuals finding common ground. As always, listen to what others are saying. Then learn how to agree, stand with and next to them. The light within you glows quietly.

LIBRA: Often, we perceive only part of a reality, interaction or relationship. Often, we only see the half that is ourself. The other (half) is hidden. This month, the entire picture is revealed along with Libra tensions – the tension of self and other, of personality and soul, of lower and higher realities. Difficulties arise when two people, attracted to each other, have different life paths. One must then choose. Stand with the will-to-good. Then, right choice appears.

SCORPIO: The planets offer you new self-definition. Do you feel how you see yourself, how others see and understand you are changing? Are you experiencing structures that you’re used to have somehow lost their way and are no longer attached to you? This is a time of transition for the world and for you, also. In your professional world, a new cycle of endeavors begins. Will you stay or are you impelled to go? Your heart knows. Find it.

SAGITTARIUS: Let’s see, if I part the clouds under the stars, I see you rocking to and fro in a little boat on an ocean of many waves. I see you’re quite alone. The boat’s sturdy, the sails are intact, you have a life vest for safety but somehow there are no instructions as to where you’re going. What must your mantram be in this case? Be still and know that all is well. Be still and know that your direction is safely in the hands of God. Be still. You know this.

CAPRICORN: Intimacy and the talk of shared resources and values enter your thoughts. Do you feel a great battle, a sense of anger or perhaps a great love coming, influencing you and all those close by? Things may feel very serious. You respond with your usual dry humor. But we know inside you’re feeling quite serious yourself. Do you need money? Do you need anything? You’re very effective communicating this month. Are you an occupier yet?

AQUARIUS: Catherine Austin Fitts, every time she speaks, says this: “Don’t worry whether there is a conspiracybecause if you are not in one, you need to start one.” To paraphrase Catherine concerning our present transitions time: “Don’t worry about revolution. We’re in one. And if you’re not participating, then you need to begin. The occupiers and ‘Occupy Everyone, Everywhere’ are your people.

PISCES: You’re most likely going to travel somewhere. Or study something in depth. As your responsibilities increase, you’ll feel as if you’re living within a mound of dominoes. Each morning, they’re organized and stacked anew, each containing another task. As one task is almost complete, two more appear. Stress must be acknowledged and it must cease. Something far away is of concern. Your boat is still being steered by unknown and unseen guides.


Risa is Founder & Director of the Esoteric & Astrological Studies & Research Institute, a contemporary wisdom School

Email: risagoodwill@gmail.com.

Website: nightlightnews.com

Facebook: Risa’s Esoteric Astrology & Risa D’Angelesaddre