Nomination period for City Council candidates open


Monday, July 18, was the first day of the nomination period for City Council candidates with the deadline falling on Thursday, August 11 pursuant to the State Elections Code.

Interested Culver City resi- dents should contact the City Clerk’s office to schedule an ap- pointment to pick up and return nomination papers.

According to a statement from the City, “The City Council candidate nomination process requires a potential candidate to gather the signatures of at least 20 and no more than 30 signatures by voters registered in Culver City. Potential candidates must be at least 18 years old, Culver City residents, and registered to vote in Culver City.”

The General Municipal Election election, on Tuesday, Nov. 8, will see two City Council Members elected, each serving a four year term.

“Current Council Members are eligible to run for re-election to serve a second, consecutive four-year term,” reads the statement. “Each year, City Council Members select one of their members to serve as Mayor for a year, with the term beginning after the annual City Council reorganization.”

Anyone interested in running should go to to get all of the relevant information.