NKLA Pets of the Week


Hello! Thank you for sharing our NKLA Pets of the Week, Chuie and Carly, with your readers! Both are amazing pets who deserve a loving home of their own.

CHUIE: Chuie is the most loveable dog! He enjoys the easy things in life… sunny strolls, fun play dates with other dogs, and plenty of cuddle time. He’sll even sit up on his hind legs for you when it’s treat time! Chuie is about 7 years old and so ready to be your best bud. Adopt him today! LINK: http://nkla.org/adopt-a-pet/center-pets/chuie/11043203/chihuahua

CARLY: Meet Carly! She is a gorgeous feline who is about 2 years old. Before coming to the center, Carly was busy caring for her 4 kittens, who have all since been adopted! Now its Carly’s turn to find the loving home she deserves. She is a sweet cat who gets along with other cats and enjoys being around people. Will you be the lucky one to adopt her?

The NKLA Pet Adoption Center has adoptable dogs and cats from featured NKLA Coalition partners, with $25 adoption specials daily! All pets are spayed or neutered, microchipped and vaccinated. All adoptions are same day. Located in West L.A.; open daily 12-8pm; 1845 Pontius Ave 90025; (424) 208-8840. Learn more and watch videos of adoptable pets here: nkla.org/Adopt