NKLA Pets of the Week


Please meet our NKLA pets of the week, Joey and Machop!

JOEY: If Joey was in high school, he would win a lot of superlatives: Best Smile, Class Clown, and All-star Jock to name a few! Joey is known at the center as our resident goofball. Adopt Joey and start enjoying your zest for life with a new best friend! Joey’s adoption fee is already paid, which means he is free to adopt.
MACHOP: Meet Machop! She is a total sweetheart and one of many adorable kittens ready to adopt for just $9. Plus, many kittens are available to adopt in pairs; just ask us about our two-for-one special when you visit! The NKLA Pet Adoption Center has adoptable dogs, cats and kittens from featured NKLA Coalition partners, with daily $9 and $25 adoption specials! All pets are spayed or neutered, microchipped, and vaccinated. All adoptions are same day. Located in West L.A.; open daily 12-8pm; 1845 Pontius Ave 90025; (424) 208-8840. Learn more and watch videos of adoptable pets here: nkla.org/Adopt