New year, new attitude


            It’s 2012 already? How exactly did that happen?

            Do you make New Year’s resolutions? Do you keep them? If you’re like me – and apparently a lot of other folks are – it probably sounds something like this: “I’m going to exercise more.” And in January, I do, only to find that life got in the way and before I know it summer’s here and, well, you know the rest.

            Or this: “I’m going to read more.” January is filled with trips to the library and visits to a favorite bookstore or shopping for used books on Amazon. Then, February comes with the library’s past-due notices and the bills are due from the extra shopping and once again, life has gotten in the way and at best, I’ve read three chapters.

            And my personal favorite: “I’m going to lay off sweets.” And I do – in January. But then, Valentine’s Day comes, my birthday, Fathers Day – you get the picture.

            As it turns out, most people – according to a Kellogg’s Special K survey in Canada (for what that’s worth) – make resolutions (68%) and most (55%) don’t keep them. The number-one reason? We aim too high. We strive to become triathletes, saints and supermodels. It’s hard work and there’s a good reason most of us are average Joes in the first place.

            This year, I’m keeping it simple: “I resolve to move more.” That’s right, m-o-v-e more. That’s it – not enter a marathon or bike 200 miles a week or take up lacrosse or lose (fill in the space here) pounds; just be more active. Don’t get me wrong, I’m pretty active to start. I’m on my bike three to four days a week and walking two or three others. Yet every day, I read about obesity levels and congestive heart failure and pollution and 30 minutes a day, etc. – I’m concerned that maybe I too need to do more.

            Recently, I saw Dr. Mike Evans’ video on YouTube titled: “23 ½ hours: What is the single best thing we can do for our health?” (View it on CCBC’s website, Dr. Evans is founder of the Health Design lab at Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute, an associate professor of Family Medicine and Public Health at the University of Toronto and a staff physician at St. Michael’s Hospital. His hypothesis is pretty basic: The best thing you can do for your health is be more active. He advocates a 30 minutes-a-day exercise regimen (as do many other experts), but he also explains that just one hour a week of exercise will cut one’s risk of heart disease in half. Read that sentence again – 60 minutes per week; 50% reduction in risk.

            And it doesn’t even have to be consecutive. 10 minutes here, 10 minutes there and another 10 minutes and voila! 30 minutes of exercise. Here’s an example: Recently, El Marino Language School started a Walk ‘n Roll Wednesday program to encourage kids to bike and walk to school more frequently. We meet about six blocks from the campus and walk and bike together as a group. It takes about 15 minutes. Here’s the thing: The parents walk 15 minutes to school and then, that’s right, 15 minutes back to the meet-up spot. 30 minutes of fun, social exercise. If that happened regularly, according to Dr. Evans, their risk of high blood pressure will decrease by 29%, progression of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease will be reduced 50% and anxiety will be reduced by 48%.

            So here’s my challenge to myself – and to others: Walk and bike more this year. Don’t even bother with a big overall target – just be more active. Do each of these once per week and see if it doesn’t make a noticeable difference by spring: Run one errand by bike; walk around the block before getting in your car in the morning and again before leaving from work, park six blocks from school and walk the rest with your children, park at the far end of the parking lot; take stairs when possible, ride a bike to work and ride to a lunch spot. Then, once a month plan a hike at the Baldwin Hills Scenic Overlook or Kenneth Hahn Park or a 30 minute bike ride down Ballona Creek Bike Path.

            Hippocrates had it right some 2,400 years ago: Walking is man’s best medicine

Bike Safe, Bike Smart! is a weekly column to promote responsible cycling by providing information, education and advice about riding. It’s written by members of the Culver City Bicycle Coalition (CCBC), a local chapter of the Los Angeles County Bicycle Coalition. Join them each month for their family bike ride. For more information, visit their website at Or contact us at