Musicians on the spectrum take Instagram by storm

‘Jazz Hands for Autism’ to stream performances online


Los Angeles based nonprofit, Jazz Hands For Autism (JHFA), is using the digital space to create access and opportunities for musicians on the Autism Spectrum across the United States. For starters, the organization has begun offering online classes to students currently enrolled in the Jazz Hands Musicians Academy, an individualized educational and vocational program that caters to the needs and goals of aspiring musicians who are on the autism spectrum. 

The JHFA Online Classroom allows students to continue on their path towards employment in the music industry by providing a platform where they can access all their classes and learn from their instructors without leaving the comfort of their home. Advanced music classes such as songwriting 101, music theory, disc jockeying, music software instruction & more are taught. In the near future, the Jazz Hands For Autism Online Classrooms will be expanding to servicing new students, those interested can pre-register to join the first cohort of the official public launch of the JHFA Online Program, to pre-register, email JHFA at

Jazz Hands For Autism has also taken to Instagram to  launch Jazz Hands TV  (JHTV) a series highlighting the diverse abilities and contributions of musical creatives who happen to be on the Autism Spectrum. JHTV will be going live from the main Jazz Hands For Autism instagram page Monday-Friday from 1 to 3 p.m. and 6 to 7 p.m. JHTV will host a variety of digital content such as student performances, interviews with professionals in the autism community & more. Follow @jazzhandsforautism on Instagram and Facebook to stay tuned for more releases.

Jazz Hands For Autism is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit aimed at providing music-based education and training and seeking music industry related job opportunities for individuals on the Autism Spectrum. The organization was founded in 2014 by Executive Director Ifunanya Nweke. Jazz Hands For Autism is based in Culver City, CA and has continued to show support for those on the spectrum.

For more information, visit their website at, or send an email to 

Jazz Hands for Autism’s Educational Studio is located at 10220 Culver Blvd., Ste. 101, Culver City.