Millions to celebrate school choice in January

WISE CHOICE—Children from all over celebrate education during National School Choice Week.

(NAPS)—Schools, organizations and individuals from across the country are planning more than 15,000 events to celebrate National School Choice Week 2016, NSCW President Andrew Campanella announced recently.

National School Choice Week, which will take place from Jan. 24-30, 2016, will be the world’s largest-ever series of education-related events.

The goal of the events—which are independently planned by schools, organizations and individuals—is to raise awareness of K–12 education options for children and families. These options include traditional public schools, public charter schools, public magnet schools, online academies, private schools, and homeschooling.

National School Choice Week events will include everything from open houses at schools to school assemblies, parents’ nights, chamber of commerce meetings, roundtable policy discussions, awards ceremonies, rallies at state capitols and more.

According to Campanella, the exponential growth of National School Choice Week, which began in 2011, tracks closely with the growth in public interest in, as well as support and demand for, K–12 educational opportunity.

“From 150 events in 2011 to 15,000 events in 2016, the growth in enthusiasm surrounding National School Choice Week demonstrates that Americans in communities across the country recognize, more than ever before, the importance of ensuring that all children have the opportunity to learn and to pursue their own American dreams,” Campanella said.

“Many parents use the Week to begin looking for new schools or education environments for their children, while many others use the platform provided by National School Choice Week to speak out in favor of greater educational opportunities.”

National School Choice Week is an independent public awareness effort. The Week is nonpolitical and nonpartisan, and NSCW does not advocate for or against legislation.

To learn more about National School Choice Week, visit www. If you are interested in receiving materials to use to host a school choice–related meeting or event during the Week, visit