Measure K Will Help Secure ‘Effective Teachers’


As a CCUSD parent, teacher and volunteer, I firmly support the Measure K parcel tax.
California spends less per pupil than most other states in the nation,
especially when our high cost of living is taken into account. That’s why high achieving districts in this state raise supplemental funds through parcel taxes. CCUSD is a high achieving district, but our last parcel tax (Measure EE, which passed in 2009) expired three years ago, and the district has been struggling to make ends meet. We need to pass Measure K to prevent serious cuts and keep our schools strong.
What is taught and how it is taught in the classroom is forever changing.
Just look at the last twenty years— new standards; enormous changes in technology; improved methods of instruction. The one steady constant is the presence of the teacher. I believe effective teachers are the most important factor contributing to student achievement. Measure K will help retain and attract the highest quality teachers. My children have had to benefit of having some outstanding teachers in their classes at CCUSD. We need Measure K so that future students will have that benefit, too.
Measure K will cost property owners just $189 per parcel per year for
seven years (do the math, that’s less than 52¢ a day, a pittance compared to what excellent schools add to our property values and the bright futures they make possible for our students).
Measure K requires a 2/3 majority of the vote to pass.
You’ll find it near the end of the ballot, so don’t stop before you reach
it. Then vote for Measure K!

— Kelley Wilcox