Mary Collim is ‘Member Of The Year’


The Culver City Senior Citizens Association honors Mary Collim as “Member Of The Year.”

Since retiring from Hughes Aircraft in 1989, Collim has offered her services in countless ways in many programs.

She has volunteered in Nutrition, Snack ’n Chat, RSVP WWP, has served on the board of directors and been an active member and past President of the Merry Makers Club.

“I loves the Senior Center and count my blessings for all the wonderful people I have met here,” Collim said.

She volunteers her time on Christmas Day to serve the special luncheon at the Senior Center.

Collim was born in Belfast, Ireland and found her way to California by way of Toronto, in search of a better way of life.

She and her husband Jim found success in satisfying jobs, ultimately at Hughes where she was one of the first women supervisors.

Collim enjoys travelling and has made recent trips to China and Ireland. She also knits baby blankets and quilts to donate to the Rose Avenue homeless clinic and warm scarves for Veterans.

When she is not volunteering at the Senior Center, Mary helps out every Sunday at her church and every Friday at the Culver City Elks Club.

When asked why volunteering is so satisfying to her, Collim responded, “It warms the cockles of me heart.”