Marathon runners to speak at CCSSC quarterly dinner


The Culver City Sister City Committee will have its quarterly membership dinner on Wednesday, March 7 at the Del Rey Yacht Club.  Membership in CCSCC is not required in order to attend.

The program for the evening will include an update of CCSCC’s activities and a presentation by our two delegate runners in Japan’s Senshu Marathon, Iyob Tessema and Jessica Dorsey, who won the women’s division.

The Del Rey Yacht Club is located at 13900 Palawan Way, Marina Del Rey.  No-host cocktails start at 6 p.m. and dinner is scheduled at 7 p.m.  Entrée choices are fillet of sole, broiled filet mignon and vegetarian pasta primavera. Appetizers will be provided and complimentary wine will be served with dinner.  Cost is $45 per person for sole or filet mignon and $35 for pasta.

RSVP to Colleen Jones at 310-463-2627 to RSVP or for more information.  Payment must be received by Friday, March 2.

For further information on the Culver City Sister City Committee, visit the website: or e-mail