Mar Vista branch of B&G Club has a grand start

The Boys & Girls Clubs of Santa Monica (BGCSM), in partnership with the Housing Authority of the City of Los Angeles (HACLA), celebrated the grand opening of the new Mar Vista Gardens Boys & Girls Club, Jack and Cindy Jones Youth Center.

The Boys & Girls Clubs of Santa Monica (BGCSM), in partnership with the Housing Authority of the City of Los Angeles (HACLA), celebrated the grand opening of the new Mar Vista Gardens Boys & Girls Club, Jack and Cindy Jones Youth Center, located in the Mar Vista Gardens public housing development. The center will continue to benefit the more than 600 children living in the community.

“For over 70 years The Boys & Girls Clubs of Santa Monica has been working tirelessly to enable the youth of our communities to reach their full potential as productive, caring and responsible citizens,” Michelle Arellano, BGCSM CEO said. “We are excited to continue on with this crucial mission at our Mar Vista Gardens Branch. We are beyond grateful to Jack and Cindy Jones and HACLA for their support”

In 2012, HACLA was faced with closing the facility due to city budget cuts. As a strategy to keep it open, HACLA solicited bids from nonprofits to operate the facility for the benefit of the community and the Boys & Girls Clubs of Santa Monica won the contract. Soon after, in 2015, the Club broke ground, launching a major renovation of the center.

“Nearly 500 youth have joined the Club since we opened the Mar Vista Gardens Branch,” said HACLA President and CEO Douglas Guthrie. “A new education center, a dedicated teen space and a music studio are just a few of the upgrades to the new facility. This is where our children can dream and we are pleased to have a partner like the Boys & Girls Club that can work to help those dreams come true.”

Tuesday of this week, the Club opened the doors to this brand new facility. The Club’s operations in Mar Vista Gardens have been funded by a $1 million donation by John D. “Jack” and Cindy Jones and due to the efforts of the BGCSM staff to provide successful programs and to engage the Mar Vista community, HACLA was able to advocate and allocate an additional $1.7 for the renovations. In addition, Mr. and Mrs. Jones called on the philanthropic community, raising over $256,000 and exceeding the proposed goal with their match. The additional $256,000 has provided the new center with needed furnishings and equipment for the sports, technology, arts, music and other programs offered at the Club. BGCSM is extremely grateful for the construction support we have received for our Mar Vista Gardens Branch and we continue to raise operating dollars.

“There is no better time than now to invest in our youth. For more than 70 years The Boys & Girls Clubs of Santa Monica has made that a priority,” Bettina Duval, BGCSM Board Chair said. “We are stronger than ever and we are thrilled to open our Mar Vista Gardens Branch to continue to serve the community.”

Thanks to the tireless efforts of Jack and Cindy Jones, HACLA, the BGCSM board and its staff, the Mar Vista Gardens Branch will provide a safe and productive place for its members to learn and grow during non-school hours. Members, ages 6 to 18, can receive tutoring, develop social skills, access technology and participate in sports, healthy lifestyle programs and leadership and community service projects. The Club looks forward to seeing its members blossom in this new facility.

“This day has come with great anticipation,” Jack and Cindy Jones said.. The children of Mar Vista Gardens are the final elements to make this new facility come alive. We are very proud to have been a part of their futures. May we all continue to go down the road together until we reach the street named ‘Success.’ Remember the shortest poem: ‘Me, We’.”