Lucky Ducky Swim in Culver Plunge

BOULEVARD MUSIC In Concert… Scottish trio “Fire” will perform Saturday evening at Boulevard Music. See pg. 4



The Lucky Duckies are back!  The Lucky Ducky Swim will again be at the Fiesta La Ballona, Saturday, August 24, and Sunday, August 25.  At 3:00 pm on Sunday, August 25, the rubber ducks will “swim” across the Culver City Plunge.  There will be a number of Lucky Ducky winners.  The top prize is $500 with the second prize of two tickets to a Dodgers game and more prizes to be announced at a later date.

The proceeds from the Lucky Ducky Swim will benefit Culver City children and youth programs.  The Culver City Rotary Club is a strong supporter of education in Culver City, has provided dictionaries to every 3rd grader, Chromebooks and computers, whiteboards and projectors, and other technology to the Culver City School District.  The club also supports the Backpack for Kids Program providing weekend food for needy children.  This year the foundation provided a grant in support of the Culver City High School Robotics Team.

Look for the Rotary booth at the Fiesta and watch the “swim” on Sunday.  Lucky Ducky chances are $5 with a Six-Quack for $25.  All donations are appreciated for this fun event.  “Every time we talk about the Lucky Ducky Swim people smile,” comments Rotarian Carmela Raack.  “It is a pleasure to see people enjoy such a fun and happy activity.”

Contact the Culver City Rotary Club at,, and