L’shanah tovah (a sweet year to all)


We have several religions festivals this week, reflecting autumn and the balancing sign of Libra. Festivals anchor and stabilize us during our long sojourn on Earth. Thursday is Michaelmas, feast day of Michael the Archangel. Earth’s protector, he stands with a sword throughout all of autumn. In these transition times, we too, must stand with a sword. Thursday (sundown) is Rosh Hashanah (Jewish new year). Apples and challah are dipped in honey to insure a sweet new year. We hear the greeting “L’shanah tovah,” “May you (be inscribed) have a good (sweet) year.” By participating in all religious festivals, we learn humanity’s religious history and are prepared for the Aquarian new world religion (based on astrology). Our religious participation and understanding creates humanity’s unification – needed to construct the new culture and civilization.

The United States chart on Saturday has transiting Uranus (change) square (challenge) natal Venus (money, resources). Saturn is involved, too. Transiting Venus joins U.S. Saturn. With conjunctions, two energies join to create a new reality. Saturn is the teacher, disciplinarian, dweller on the threshold, creating the new economy.

Tuesday is the feast of St. Francis of Assisi, Italian poet, literary writer and founder of the Franciscan Order (men) and Holy Clare’s (women). St. Francis is the patron saint of animals, of the environment and of Italy. Each Oct. 4, Catholic and Anglican churches hold ceremonies blessing the animal kingdom. It is said when St. Francis died he was singing Psalm 141 as larks flew above his little town. (Read more on Risa’s website and FB pages.)

ARIES: Libra Sun highlights your relationships, marriage, partnerships and interactions – professional and personal. You are seen as loyal and trustworthy, or those are virtues to cultivate in order to have authentic relationships. Imbalances signify a new balance that is attempting to emerge. You must bring this forth. Mercury, joining the Sun, says, “Learn compassionate communication (NVC).” If already trained, practice is essential.

TAURUS: You’re in a new state of gathering information for the purpose of understanding the truth about our science, along with humanity’s origins and history. From this information, we must create the new world. You are being assisted in these discoveries by the Sun (illumination), Mercury (messages), Saturn (structure and discipline) and Venus (concrete knowledge through science). You will illuminate the minds of others. Drink your raw milk and chia seeds for strength.

GEMINI: You need calmness, beauty and surroundings that anchor the idea of one humanity. You should be at “Occupying Wall Street” (through December) at Liberty Plaza & Trinity (esoteric!) in Manhattan – occupywallst.org/. It has the calmness of intelligence when a revolution begins; calmness in the forming of intentional community. It is an interlude between the old (no longer useful individual ways of being) and the new (new sharing society). You belong there. Go.

CANCER: Your home is in need of order so that you can function more efficiently. Your family is in need of agreements so everyone can function more effectively. Do you have a say in these? Do you agree? In some families, there are those who seek dominance and those who seek equality. Perhaps it’s a situation of resources, delegation of tasks and duties? You sense that life’s transforming quite radically and you’re at the swirling center. Gather all that creates protection and sangha (refuge).

LEO: Like Taurus, you can be a loyal friend, exemplary in terms of trust. But that’s only if you feel a sense of well-being, and are loved and cared for unconditionally. It is only in this way that you can evolve. Strength and courage are building within you, along with a new two-year cycle. Be very caring in approaching others, especially with communication. You are to bring balance – an interlude of kindness – to everyone.

VIRGO: Is your material world in a state of order, organization and balance? Perhaps you can consider how it’s in balance (or out of balance). Four planets at this time are asking you to assess your values, moving you from a focus on matter (which is not substance) into a new spiritual realism. In between is a state of new ideas. What are your choices? Which path will you choose?

LIBRA: A change in relationship to everything is occurring, reflecting your need for change within. A mirror reflects the inner to outer and vice-versa. Something from the past, perhaps a mother, a parent or a love is emotionally significant. It was/is a serious responsibility you seek to heal and care for. As you tend to this, old patterns are concluded. You close many doors. A new door opens. It’s golden.

SCORPIO: In the coming month you may feel a sense of imbalance seeking a new balance. It may feel difficult at first. You may be out of sorts and feel loss of direction and order. And no matter what you choose or feel you need, something else will happen. Do not be fearful or feel lost. The Neptune waters are creating a new state of compassion and organization. This will pass. You will miss this state of being.

SAGITTARIUS: It’s a good time to consider what your ideals are. Did you know the New Group of World Servers radiates to humanity’s hearts and minds spiritual ideas? These then become ideals within humanity. They call humanity to be the world disciple. And so, what are your ideals? Do you discuss them? Do you compromise them? I don’t think you do. Ideals are part of a world disciple’s tool kit. Ideals direct us. Can you list yours?

CAPRICORN: Let’s continue to be truthful about your life. Wherever you are, you are respected, sometimes feared. But that’s what all leaders experience. You have significant influence wherever you are, especially socially. Something or someone confronts you. Stay poised like a duck in a rainfall. Turn something withholding into a future promise.

AQUARIUS: Are you having thoughts of journeying far away? Are you traveling at present? If not, it would be good to experience and explore new lands, ideas, philosophies and perhaps a new place to live. There will be great mental goings-on, assessing yes and no of all situations. Whatever the choice and outcome, everything will be in balance and equilibrium. Most of all, you need to play and have a bit of fun. You win.

PISCES: There’s lots of hard work to be accomplished each day. Be careful of burns or cuts and things hot and red. Life feels mysterious and bittersweet more each day. You do not fear death, understanding it’s just part of life’s continuum. You tend to another. Seek the essence within them. Sometimes you can see it, sometimes not. Form covers it. Sometimes you hurt. Protect yourself with mantrams and prayer, and new shoes.


Risa D’Angeles

Esoteric & Astrological Studies & Research Institute/College

A contemporary wisdom school, in the Ancient Mysteries tradition, studying the Tibetan’s teachings in the Alice Bailey books.

Read more of Risa’s work at:


Facebook: Esoteric Astrology FB page (available through Night Light News)

Email: risagoodwill@gmail.com