Since this was Oscar week, it seems fitting to offer a little movie-related quiz! See how many of the following you can answer (without looking at the answers).
One: Who is credited as the one person who established Culver City’s first two major movie studios (1915 & 1918)? There is a street named in his honor at the edge the studio that bore his name.
Two: Name Culver City’s third major movie studio. It was known as “The Laugh Factory to the World and made movies from 1919-1963.
Three: Former president ______ _______ served at “Fort_______” during World War II, making training films with other actors like Alan Ladd.
Four: For the opening of Culver City’s Meralta Theater, ________ ________served as Master of Ceremonies and Thomas Ince provided the film, “The Galloping Fish.”
Five: The founding owners of the Meralta Theatre were _____ ______and _____ _____.
Six: The Wizard of Oz was filmed in Culver City at which local studio?
Seven: At M.G.M, two famous dancers considered Stages #25 and #27 as their “lucky stages. Name them!
Eight: Andy Hardy Street was located on Lot #__ of M.G.M. Studios.
Nine: Spencer Tracy and Katharine Hepburn are said to have met at the side entrance to M.G.M.’s landmark _________Building
Ten: The movie sets for _____ _____ were burned in the 1930s to simulate the “Burning of Altanta” scene in Gone With the Wind.
Eleven: When Michael Douglas starred as “An American President, ” the Oval Office was reproduced on a sound stage on the ______ ________Studio lot.
Twelve: Who rented the Culver Theatre (now Kirk Douglas Theatre) to enjoy a private screening of Viva Las Vegas?
Thirteen: Who designed the “Oscar” statuette? He served as chief art director at Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios.
Answers (to be printed below)
- Thomas Ince
- Hal Roach
- Ronald Reagan/ Fort Roach
- Will Rogers
- Pearl Merrill and Laura Peralta
- Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer
- Gene Kelly and Fred Astaire
- Lot #2, where our Senior Citizens Center, Studio Royale and Palm Court stand today!
- Thalberg, which was named for Louis B. Mayer’s genius head of production, Irving Thalberg.
- King Kong
- Sony Pictures
- Elvis Presley, who co-starred with Ann-Margret.
- Cedric Gibbons