Local MOMS Club hosts Alex’s Lemonade Stand, fight childhood cancer


In an effort to join the battle against childhood cancer, the MOMS Club of Culver City West will host an Alex’s Lemonade Stand on Saturday, April 26 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at 5389 Dobson Way (the corner of Dobson Way and Jefferson Blvd).

The MOMS Club of Culver City West is a local chapter of MOMS Club International. It is a non-profit group of about 30 at-home moms who live in Culver City, west of Overland Blvd.  In addition to play groups, meet ups and neighborhood activities, members also participate in an annual service project. At their Alex’s Lemonade Stand, cups of lemonade will be available for a suggested donation of $1, as well as fresh baked goods made by club members.

The MOMS Club of Culver City West chose Alex’s Lemonade Stand to be the beneficiary of their annual service project because they felt it was a worthy cause to contribute to. Service Project Coordinator Amy Kaplan is personally acquainted with a family whose son was diagnosed with lymphoma at the age of 3.  Now, age 7, this boy has endured four years of treatment and is thriving.

“After seeing what this family went through, and talking to fellow MOMS Club members about it, we all wanted to do something to help,” Kaplan said.

Childhood cancer is a general term used to describe cancer in children occurring regularly, randomly and sparing no ethnic group, socioeconomic class, or geographic region. Childhood cancer extends to over a dozen types of cancers and a countless amount of subtypes. Just a few of these cancer types include: Ewing’s sarcoma, glioma, leukemia, lymphoma, medulloblastoma, neuroblastoma, osteosarcoma, retinoblastoma, rhabdomyosarcoma and Wilm’s tumor.  In the United States, childhood cancer is the leading cause of death by disease in children under the age of 15. Every day, approximately 250 kids around the world die from cancer, accounting for 91,250 losing their lives to the disease every year.

Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation (ALSF) emerged from the front yard lemonade stand of cancer patient Alexandra “Alex” Scott (1996-2004). In 2000, 4-year-old Alex announced that she wanted to hold a lemonade stand to raise money to help find a cure for all children with cancer. Since Alex held that first stand, the Foundation bearing her name has evolved into a national fundraising movement, complete with thousands of supporters across the country carrying on her legacy of hope. To date, Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation, a registered 501(c)3 charity, has raised more than $75 million toward fulfilling Alex’s dream of finding a cure, funding over 375 pediatric cancer research projects nationally. For more information on Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation, visit AlexsLemonade.org.

For more information, persons interested can visit www.AlexsLemonade.org.