Local Democratic club hosts summer picnic

Photo by James Stevenson. UNITED—Families from all over the city joined the Culver City Democratic Club’s Annual Indepenence Day Picnic and BBQ. The club meets the second Wednesday of every month at 7 p.m. at Culver City’s Veterans Memorial Auditori
Photo by James Stevenson. PATRIOTIC FAN—Culver City Democratic Club Correspondence Secretary Stephen Murray and his son “Wylie” enjoyed their Fourth of July festivities at the Annual Culver City Democratic Club Picnic and BBQ.
Photo by Cristian Vasquez. TEAMWORK—Christopher Patrick King, left, oversaw grilling activities during the picnic. Fellow Democrats Pedro Baez, middle, and Culver City Democratic Club Recording Secretary Pat Levinson also shared in the day’s fun and d

Members of the Culver City Democratic Club gathered at Blanco Park on Fourth of July with friends and family for a mid-day filled with food and good company.

Families from all over the city joined the Culver City Democratic Club’s Annual Indepenence Day Picnic and BBQ.

Everyone in attendance brought something to begrilled and some other food item to share with club members and attendees during the day’s festivities. The Club provided soft drinks, watermelon and utensils.

The Culver City Democratic Club has been an impor tant element in electing candidates to local office, as well as to state and national positions. Many members of Culver City’s City Council have been members of the Club.