Local DAV Chapter 123 invites community to end-of-year meeting



The yearly Christmas meeting for Culver City’s Disabled American Veteran’s Chapter 123 will take place on Saturday, Dec. 6 at the Veteran’s Memorial Building Rotunda Room, located at 4117 Overland Ave. Culver City, beginning at 10:30 a.m.

This meeting is open to anyone in the public who would like to attend and join the good food, take part in raffles and spend time with the members of the city’s local DAV.

This end-of-year meeting will include a special visit from Sua Performing Ministry, a group of dancers who will perform traditional Korean dances after lunch. Sua Performing Ministry is made up of eight women who will dance different numbers in groups and in individual pieces.

Sua White, the Director of the Group, recently received an award from President Obama for her volunteer community service to Veterans and Senior Citizens through her ministry of Korean traditional dancing and entertainment.

The MC for the program, Ward White, is also the coordinator for the group and can be reached at (805) 526-9355 or (805) 279-1011 for more information.

The DAV meeting is free and open to anyone interested in attending. Persons interested can also donate to the DAV by mailing a check or money order to Disabled American Veterans P.O. Box 5046, Culver City, CA 90232.