Siavash Fashi was the overall winner of the 2015 NPC Gold Coast Muscle Classic hosted at Veterans Building on Feb. 14.
“It felt awesome. I felt right at home,” Fashi said. “I had so many people cheering for me and screaming for me! It was a surreal experience that will stay with me forever.”
With just $3,000 Fahsi, who came to the United States in 2007 from Iran with a resolve of making it big in the body building profession, opened his old-school gym in an old gas station at a busy corner of Washington and Culver Boulevards in Culver City. He called it 6 Pax Gym.
“It certainly means a lot to me; I am able to motivate even more people to push themselves to the limit and beyond,” Fashi said. “No fear is the motto we live by. I work from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. training clients and motivating them to live a healthier lifestyle and at the same time I make it a point to work on myself towards accomplishing my goals.”
Hard work and a strict diet were the foundation to Fashi’s win at the locally-hosted competition.
“This time around I changed my attitude towards the competition, I made sure that I was totally spent and gave all I had at the gym and outside the gym,” Fashi said. “I feel that every competition is a celebration of my hard work; I was happy to be there and show every one all the diligence I put in.”