Local actress to appear in musical production of ‘Beauty and ‘Beast

Disney’s Beauty and the Beast, The Broadway Musical will be presented in association with Councilmember Gil Cedillo and El Centro Del Pueblo, will feature a diverse and multicultural cast of 28 actors, including Culver City’s Daniela Santi.




The production will appear on the Main Stage of CASA 0101 Theater, 2102 E. First Street, Boyle Heights from May 11 to June 10.

Discounted preview performances will be presented on May 4-6.

Valley Scene Magazine has raved:  “CASA 0101 Theater in Boyle Heights treats its audience to a stunning, yet cozy and intimate production that allows the audience to feel immersed in the story. The quality of the performances was phenomenal and really brought the popular Broadway musical to life.”  Paul Mryvold’s Theatre Notes wrote:  “Under the direction of Rigo Tejeda, the cast fills the stage with dynamic energy, singing up a storm – kudos to musical director Caroline Benzon.  The costuming, designed by Abel Alvarado, is nothing short of sumptuous, a feast for the eyes.”  StageSceneLA.com commented:  “Making this particular Disney’s Beauty and The Beast an audience draw for L.A. theatergoers is a diversity in casting both groundbreaking and reflective of our city’s mix of Latinos, African-Americans, Asian-Americans, and Angelenos of European ancestry.”

Daniela Santi of Culver City was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina. She started performing at Musical Theatre shows at age 12 and has been active in several plays and training since then.

She worked as an actress in ‘‘On the Road Theatre Company’’ (shows that serve as a multi-level stimulus for English students). Santi was the lead singer of Reservoir Songs (a rock show inspired by the soundtracks of the movies by Quentin Tarantino).

After eight years of taking singing lessons, she started working as a vocal coach and as a junior choir and director in schools, as well.

In 2016, she got her degree after finishing her four-year program in Musical Theatre in Argentina.

In 2017, she moved to Los Angeles to continue her studies and professional career.

In L.A she did several music videos, commercials, and plays.  She is currently studying Meisner Technique at the William Alderson Acting Studio.

Producers of the production include Felipe Agredano, Emmanuel Deleage, Edward Padilla, Gustavo Rodriguez and Executive Producer Conrado TerrazasCross.
The perennial favorite includes Music by Alan Menken, Lyrics by Howard Ashman and Tim Rice, Book by Linda Woolverton.  The show was Originally Directed by Robert Jess Roth and Originally Produced Disney Theatrical Productions.  This production is directed by Rigo Tejeda, musically directed by Caroline Benzon, and features new choreography by Tania Possick.

This weekend’s discounted preview are on Friday, May 4 at 8 p.m.; Saturday at 2 and 8 p.m., and Sunday at 3 p.m.

The five-week run from May 11 to June 10, are on Fridays at 8 p.m.; Saturdays at 2 and 8 p.m., and Sunday at 3 p.m.