Letters To The Editor


Expo Noise

I am so happy that you published the article on the noise caused by the Expo train. I know it is a good thing for the area, but they really didn’t think through the sound barriers. I live near Helms Bakery and the train runs right by my bedroom window. The noise is horrible. I’ve had to purchase sound proof glass.

Margaret Berry

I don’t know what the big deal is about the supposed Metro train noise. We live in a big metropolis. There will be noise. There are much bigger things to concern yourselves with, in my opinion.


Lou Strom

I wish the city would listen to the community. The Expo makes more noise than they are willing to admit. I will concede it’s not life and death, but the fact is our streets were very quiet at one time. Not the case now. It might not seem important to people who don’t live close, but it really has been a big change for me.

Louisa Barnes

Sports woes


I would love to see more sports included on the sports page. Our city has Little League, soccer, roller derby and all ages and levels. Seems to me the community paper should include more than just high school sports.

Angela Brogan