Letters To Editor


It has been 10 weeks since Alex’s tragic accident, leaving us all stunned, devastated and in disbelief.

In Memory of Alex, his great personality and his “Great Heart,” we have established the “Alex Smollins ‘Great Heart’ Scholarship Award” at Culver City High School.

Alex attended Culver City High School, graduating in 2009. Although he wasn’t an “A” student, Alex was a “Force of Nature” in the world, demonstrating over and over kindness, loyalty and an abiding love for his friends and his family, always displaying what a “Big Heart” he had. Alex was fun loving, with a very huge personality. We often say most people are looking for a party…Alex was a party looking for people.

This annual scholarship award will recognize that Culver City High School student who displays similar characteristics and interests of Alex, himself. This person is not, necessarily, a “top student,” nor one, traditionally, ‘with honors’, but, rather, an individual who is consistently honored by his fellow students, the faculty and the administration, as person with a “Great Heart.”

The scholarship award will be given so the recipient can use the money to further his/her education in the desired area of interest at either a college or trade school. Preferably, it will be awarded, but not limited to, an individual with an entrepreneurial spirit and a strong interest in pursuing Business, Marketing and Communications, which are the areas Alex was pursuing. We are certain Alex would like this idea and would be happy to know that because of this fund, a graduating student at his High School will be aided in continuing their education

If you would like to honor Alex’s memory in this way, and support this worthwhile cause, your contribution, regardless of the amount, will be greatly appreciated. All donations are tax deductible. Please make checks payable to The Culver City Community Scholarship Fund in care of the Alex Smollins “Great Heart” Fund.

Your contributions should be mailed to:

Culver City Community Scholarship Fund

C/O Culver City High School

4401 Elenda Street

Culver City, CA 90230

With heartfelt love and appreciation,

Karen and Michael Smollins