Pesky Neighborhood Nuisance
We have an enemy in our neighborhood, it is quite cute and has a huge family but unfortunately very vicious ,with all the security we are very lucky to have in our city the amount of aggressive ,mean raccoons that are terrifying us is unbelievable. I understand we cannot harm them, no means of depopulating is being practiced and they are every day terrorizing us, our animals and forcing us to stay inside on these lovely warm nights. I know there are certain persons out there who believe they are being forced out of their element etc., but when anyone animal or human attacks and abuses innocent people or domesticated animals, maybe it is time to address the problem and it is a problem that is only discussed among ourselves.
Edith Ramirez
More Sports Wanted
I know that high school sports are the most important thing to cover (yes said with sarcasm). What about the elementary schools? The after school programs? The swimming and Little League and bowling and beach volleyball? Yes I know it’s not high school. But honestly, many community members would have an interest in seeing such coverage. Many of us do have younger children in our families.
Cynthia Plotts
From The Editor
I agree Cynthia. Parents in the community that want to submit a story and photo of their kids sporting event can send them to Be sure to include al the important information.
Lori Fusaro
Music Festival
I am so looking forward to the summer music festival. Thank you for including the details so early. I will make a point to keep my schedule open.
Jenny Schaffer