Letters To Editor


I received the following email from a parent and Culver City News reader.  She sent it to me after reading the recent article, “Now we’re in business!.”  It is little things like this that remind me why I love what I do.

Edward Biagiotti

Inclusion Specialist, CCUSD

Hi Edward,


Just wanted to thank you for having your friend (local artist, Darrell Fusaro, www.ThisWillMakeYouHappy.com) come by to Lunch Bunch last week. I also read your article from this week’s Culver City News that featured the artistic side of Max. 

Max has been so enthusiastic about creating his comic books at school and home ever since meeting your friend.

 He even asked me to enroll him in a cartooning class. His book  was entitled “Republicans versus Democrats” with a picture of wicked Romney up against Obama. LOL –  I love it.  

 Do you or your friend know of a cartoon class for children?  I would like him to get involved in a class like this after the holidays.


Lauren Varsano


I am saddened by what transpired in Newtown CT. It was reassuring to learn that our school system has guidelines in place should something so tragic happen in our corner of the world. Thank you for allowing us to have peace of mind, even if it’s just a small sense.

Luisa Gonzales

Thank you for giving David Raab a farewell in your paper. While I am happy for his retirement to paradise, it’s bitter sweet. He has been a part of my family since my children were young. I’m glad that my daughter carried on the tradition with my grandkids. He and Marilyn will be missed.

Meg Wooton