Letters To Editor


Positive Content

Once in a while we need a compliment. Well, you have it today; however it should have been done a long while back.

Your paper has been great. Especially of late. Lori Fusaro has added a touch that I wish all newspapers would have. Positive content is key.

May the Lord bless all of you at the Culver City News, no matter your faith.

Enjoy God’s blessings daily.

Sr. Mary Thecla

Daughters of St. Paul

Pauline Books and Media

Kenneth Hahn Park

Kenneth Hahn Park is one you can easily forget, as it’s off the beaten path. Thank you for the reminder that this beautiful place is just a stone’s throw away.

After reading your article, I took my daughter to feed the ducks there. It was a special day for us.

Maggie Sullivan


Park Upgrades

It’s about time Culver City includes handicap access to the parks. My child has a disability and it’s a challenge finding places we can go.

Thank you for the unanimous vote to upgrade Kronenthal Park. I sincerely appreciate it.

Lucinda Gold


Positive Training

I was so excited to read the article about finding opportunities to train your dog. I hate to admit it, but my dog has become a little terror.

I have implemented some of the techinques suggested. I am shocked at the changes taking place. Patticake is already becoming more mannerly.

Who would have thought it could be so easy. Thank you!

Jessica Timbald