Letter to the Editor


Dear editor,

            I am responding to the opinion piece written by Mr. Malsin [Culver City News, Aug. 25, Sept. 1]. It is one of the most self-serving articles I have read in a long, long time.

            He is trying to paint a picture of doom and gloom for the city, vis-a-vis personnel, that in all likelihood will not occur.

            There are three very important points that Malsin failed to disclose:

  1. The members of the majority of the city’s five or six bargaining units (i.e., unions and/or employee associations) have already approved the change in benefits – probably because they would rather have jobs now instead of full retirement benefits later.
  1. One of the benefits in question is free medical insurance for the retiree and his or her family for the rest of the retiree’s life. Currently, retirees do not pay for medical insurance at all and their medical expense co-pay is approximately 5%.

3 One of the only part-time employees with benefits and one of the only part-time employees who will be affected by the change in benefits is Malsin himself.

Susan Deen,

Culver City