Letter to the Editor


Dear editor,

I was raised in the Midwest with values that are obviously lacking in many people in Culver City. Why do those who do not live on my block dump their unused vehicles on my block? I’m not talking about people who work here and take their vehicles home at night. I shouldn’t have to fight for parking in front of my own home. Every Monday, I watch the clock for noon to arrive so I can quickly park one of my cars in front of my home so I’ll have a spot to put my garbage cans on Friday.

And many people in Culver City make a living stealing recyclables. No one stops them, either. They rip open my garbage bags and, of course, garbage spills out, which is why I choose to close my bags in the first place. And they never come back to ask if they can clean out my can. I must stay home and guard my cans every Friday until they’re picked up.

I find living in Culver City stressful.

Kathy Straedy,

Culver City