Letter to the Editor


Dear Editor

The Laura Chardiet I know is an unstoppable force. It is rare to meet a person who accomplishes so much, so quickly without stepping on people’s toes and yet, Laura easily and enthusiastically wins people to her side with intelligence, charm, grace and a great sense of humor.

She worked miracles at La Ballona as a dedicated parent and PTA president, creating a new sense of community among the parents, staff and faculty. She brought that same desire to create a unified purpose among all the schools within the Culver City Unified School District and made it her main objective while leading the Council PTA.

As a member of the Board of Education, Laura will not only be an advocate for both children and teachers, but she will challenge the status quo with her fresh and energetic perspective to the benefit of the community at large.

The Laura Chardiet I know is a transformational leader.

Terry Delegeane,

Culver City