Letter to the Editor


Dear editor,

            I am prompted to write about the current campaign for Culver City School Board because of what I have been hearing from some voters. There are stories swirling around town that Nancy Goldberg is not qualified to serve on the board because she doesn’t have children in the schools. This is distressing to me because I have known Nancy for many years and have the utmost respect and admiration for her.

            It needs to be pointed out that three of the five current school board members do not have children in the schools. Two of those three never had children in the schools. Yet, despite this fact, those members serve with selfless dedication and work as a functioning body with the other two board members. It doesn’t matter if you agree or disagree with the decisions made by the board, it is obvious that the members work together whether or not they have children in school.

            Looking back through the years, there have been many elected members of the board who have not had children in school nor have any other affiliation with the district, but chose to be there for no other reason than that they cared about our children, the school district and our community.

            In Nancy Goldberg we find that devotion to the community and our children. And, I would also add that besides her own two children having graduated from Culver City High, she has had thousands of children in school through her 40-plus years of teaching at the high school. This experience has provided her with a unique understanding of what is happening in the school district.

            I encourage voters to look at the real issues in this campaign and not the desperate ones being spread around this election. Let’s be informed, smart voters.

Neil Rubenstein,

Culver City