Letter to the Editor


Dear editor,

Nancy Goldberg has a lifetime of experience making tough decisions with thoughtful insight. Her decision to continue serving our students if elected to a seat on the school board is no exception; her judgment has proven trustworthy through years of leadership in our schools. She is deeply respectful of and respected by students, parents and the community, largely due to her unquestionable integrity.

The quality time she has spent in 41 years of teaching and mentoring students is unparalleled. After accomplishing everything possible as a teacher (including multiple Teacher of the Year accolades), she is ready to tackle issues that can only be solved at the school board level. Case in point: After years of frustration about the lack of available drinking water at the high school – and, in fact, bringing cases of water from her car to her classroom so that students would have ready access to it – Ms. Goldberg hopes to be in a position on the board to affect change for this and so many other serious issues facing us in these troubling times.

When a candidate claims to know all the answers, I am skeptical. Ms. Goldberg makes no such claim. How refreshing. The current and past school board members who endorse Nancy Goldberg know what the job entails and are confident in her abilities. I know that she will continue to listen, ask questions and research an issue to make a thoughtful decision. This is her style; she has been doing it for 40 years.

Nancy Goldberg is a parent, grandparent, teacher and a valued member of the community. She has been a leader in the district for four decades and has been in the trenches with students, teachers and administrators. Having just retired after an exemplary career, she has the time, energy, expertise and motivation to give 100% to an arguably thankless job. Her commitment to our students is complete.

Having observed and participated in many school board meetings the past few years, I feel there is a real need for balance and civility. Ms. Goldberg is a strong, intelligent woman whose ego is in check and whose humility is a fine example to us all. Most importantly, Nancy Goldberg is trustworthy. She has earned my trust and my vote on Nov. 8.

Liz Kinnon,

Culver City