Letter to the Editor


            Once upon a time, several decades ago, Culver Park Drive and Segrell Way in Sunkist Park were quiet tree-lined streets where my children played hit the bat and street hockey. As time has marched on, traffic density and speeds have increased to the point of being hazardous. These two streets have become a shortcut and speedway for cars and delivery trucks to get from Sawtelle Boulevard to Slauson Avenue.

            During the current construction on the motorists’ nightmare that is Sepulveda Boulevard, this condition has multiplied and can no longer be accepted. The danger to children who live on these streets and residents attempting to back out of their driveways make this an intolerable situation.

            For more than 25 years my neighbors and I have tried everything to rectify this problem to no avail. Officials at the fire department station #3, at Segrell and Berryman Avenue, stated speed humps could not be implemented due to their effect on emergency response times, and signs did absolutely no good at all.

            Now, station #3 has moved to Fox Hills and is no longer a consideration. So a petition was circulated and with the help of Gabe Garcia of the Public Works Department, speed humps were on the agenda for yet another City Council meeting on Aug. 8.

            The residents of Culver Park and Segrell want to thank our current City Council for its unanimous decision to install speed humps as soon as possible on our two streets. This has been a long time coming. Thank you again.

David Loupe

Culver City