Letter to the Editor


Dear editor,

I am sorry to hear that the Thanksgiving holiday is such a problem for you. Maybe you should break down the word into its main parts – “thanks” and “giving.” There are many people who would love to have the problem of trying to get their food shopping done around their work schedules if only they had jobs and money to buy food for their families. Or the hassle of flying from their home to someone else’s when they, instead, are homeless.

I am personally very thankful for another holiday, good or bad, because I am aware of those I have lost recently, who will never have another holiday at all. I am also thankful for the humble home I have and that my sons are still willing to come and spend time with me, even though our political opinions may vary.

Maybe you should consider a different perspective this year, since your current plans seem to give you no satisfaction anyway. Instead of buying wine, you could donate the money to a mission or women’s shelter. Instead of flying away, you could volunteer your time in a soup kitchen.

Even if you choose to carry on with your difficult but privileged holiday, you could try to just make the event more pleasant by keeping a grateful attitude. Maybe giving thanks would ignite a chain reaction of good feelings in your experience. Jerk. Peace to you.

Pamela Baird,

Culver City