Letter to the Editor


Dear editor,

Thanks for your column promoting Culver City community sporting events, such as a 5K, 10K, and marathon. As you may have heard by now, we do have at least one annual 5K-10K run/walk (culvercityrunwalk.com/culvercityrunwalk/), and for more than 50 years hosted the Culver City Western Hemisphere Marathon (active.com/page19347.aspx), before it finally stopped several years ago.

While I haven’t been directly involved in any of these races, I did speak to the marathon coordinator one year about running a portion of it along Ballona Creek. However, she and others I talked with considered the creek bike path too narrow for a major competitive race. There also were issues of trail surface, guardrails, closures, multiple jurisdictions and permits.

That said, Ballona Creek Renaissance would be interested in any upcoming discussions about routing a portion of a race (walking, running, and/or bicycling) along the creek trail and possibly to/from the adjoining Baldwin Hills. Thanks for re-starting the conversation.

Jim Lamm

Culver City Resident and Ballona Creek Renaissance President