Letter to the Editor


            I wrote to you before the last election in support of Robert Zirgulis’ stand on red light cameras. Los Angeles has finally seen the light and banned them.

            Because of their outrageous cost (that Culver City does not recoup), we also should not use them. The article in the last edition of the News quoted the police as saying that all we needed to do was re-time the lights and that could solve the problems. So why not just re-time the lights and get rid of the cameras?

            It also costs the city to use them and in these times, we could save that money and have some streets repaved or use the money for more services for the people.

            The benefits don’t outweigh the gross costs to the people as far as the costs of red light camera tickets. They should be banned just because of the cost to the people in these hard times. If L.A. is losing money on them, so are we.

David Bjelajac

Culver City

            Editor’s note: It was attorney Sherman Ellison, not the police, who talked about re-timing the stoplights.