Letter to editor address different topics

Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor

Here’s hoping that the turn out for Tuesday’s election in Culver City will better represent our community. Generations of men and women, like those who serve our country today, have given their best to provide us with the right to vote. Honor their service and take part in the process.

Mayor Jeff Cooper and Councilmember Jim Clarke have served our community during what can be considered some of the most financially challenging times in recent history.

I have found them both to be accessible and willing to address my personal agenda about safety in our residential neighborhoods that is threatened by business incursion parking, and pass-through vehicular traffic that shows the worst characteristics of today’s Scofflaws.

I have seen many changes in Culver City since my family moved here in 1973, not all for the best so our City Council will continue to have challenges in the future. I hope you will join me in supporting Jeff Cooper and Jim Clarke by voting for their re-election; however, whatever you do… take part in the democratic process that so many have given their lives to provide.


John L. Heyl


Fracking and City Council Election

Did you know that PXP has now done over 150 frack jobs using a variety of differently named processes in the nearby oil field?  Are you concerned about the escalating magnitude and intensity of the earthquakes we are experiencing?  Wonder if these are fracking related?  You or neighbors complain of heavy noxious odors in the early hours when there is a marine layer?  Concerned?  Want answers?

Four good men are running for Council.  Incumbents seeking re-election ask we wait ‘till the State puts a moratorium in effect.  Waiting till…concerns me, especially as the oil company is ramping up its efforts to make haste while there is no moratorium.  In times of great haste accidents and disasters are more likely to occur.

As I interviewed Christopher King, I recognized that he walks his talk as he vies for a seat on the City Council. King’s vision and platform that invites your participatory involvement bears witness to his responsiveness to the Community’s concerns.

I have joined with Christopher King for a focused “Meet & Greet the Candidate” at 7 p.m. this Friday, April 4.

We invite every Culver City resident to come tell us your concerns.  Some recently testified to City Council of the toxic smells and high number of cancers in various Culver City neighborhoods; others now suffering asthma, subsidence and cracks in their homes.  The city’s current oil company indemnification bond is inadequate to cover extensive damages.

No matter what part of Culver City you live in, you are at risk!  Culver City sits on three active earthquake fault lines; the earth beneath us is badly fissured.  The 1985 Ross Dress-for-Less fires, whether a natural occurrence or oil drilling induced, teaches us important lessons.  So too the disastrous collapse of the Baldwin Hills Dam. One big mistake by the oil company can cost us our property and/or our lives.

We need a strong, defendable prohibition or moratorium until proven safe – and we need it now! Christopher King is willing to stand up for us as he organizes this response to our City Attorney’s welcoming more input from the citizenry.

Please join us this Friday evening at 10708 Northgate St. in Culver City 90230.

RSVP:  MakeCCsafe@gmail.com

And remember on April 8 to go to the polls and cast one of your votes for Christopher Patrick King.   For more info email King at email at cpk4ccc@gmail.com

Dr Suzanne De Benedittis, PhD


Jim Clarke for Council

Two years ago, when Jim first threw his hat into the ring to fulfill an unexpired term, he had an amazing political resume. He graduated from the U.S. Coast Guard Academy rising from Ensign to Commander through active and reserve duty. His Master’s Degree in Public Administration rounded his leadership role. He worked at an important Director level for Mayor Villaraigosa’s Office of Grants, overseeing millions of dollars of funding. He also served as chief of staff for Congress members Diane Watson and Brad Sherman. He has taken these outstanding qualifications and applied them to the critical issues at hand.

For the last two years Jim has demonstrated that he represents the best of Culver City’s values. He studies and understands the issues and listens very carefully to his constituents. Jim’s leadership has guided us through tough economic times. He has supported the idea of a citizen’s finance committee to review our budget in a more timely fashion. He championed this major reform. He supported the needed hotel and sales taxes so that the city’s budget could safely be balanced. Jim works very well with the city staff and other members of the City Council.

Leadership—Experience—Vision. We must continue to support and re-elect Jim Clarke for a four-year term!

Madeline + Paul Ehrlich


Jim Clarke Big Yes

Just wanted to give a big “yes vote” for Jim Clarke in the local election for Culver City Council election. Jim has really someone who is concerned with making Culver City a better place for everyone Jim is the only Councilperson who came when I called for assistance. He is good for our City.

Richard Rownak


Dear Editor,

We are writing to publically declare our support for the re-election Jeff Cooper. We have known and supported Jeff for many years because we feel he is exceptionally qualified to represent us on behalf of Culver City. Jeff demonstrates all the qualities we need and desire in a local representative.

He is caring, intelligent, informed, open minded and very diligent in the service he renders to the city. He is also very experienced and knowledgeable when it comes to Culver City¹s history, current problems (and achievements!) and future direction. Jeff has tirelessly worked for the city in many guises for the past 12 years. And even in his present incarnation as Mayor, he remains, friendly, attentive, accessible and remarkably modest.

Far be it for him to toot his own horn. So consider us a part of the large Culver City community orchestra who are happy to do that for him! We urge all our friends and neighbors to vote to re-elect Jeff Cooper on April 8.


Judy Scott

Chair CCLTMB (for identification purposes only)

Monika Rogasch

30+-year residents west Culver City


Mental Health Services

I am writing you today in order to advocate for a cause dear to my heart. Didi Hirsch Mental Health Services is aiming to expand their suicide crisis and prevention services. Didi Hirsch has been a part of Culver City’s community for more than 80 years, offering various mental health services.

Currently, Didi Hirsch is home to the oldest suicide prevention crisis line in the nation and is a lead innovator in the field. They offer various services related to suicide crisis and prevention, including individual/group bereavement support, training for clinicians and first responders (law enforcement), prevention education for schools and community groups, and research partnerships with universities. They also offer a two support groups for individuals affected by suicide. The

Survivors After Suicide group is designed for individuals who have lost a loved one to suicide, while the Survivors of Suicide Attempt group is offered to individuals who survived their own suicide attempt. Both groups offer a healing atmosphere, allowing participants to connect and discover healthy coping skills.

As a survivor of a suicide attempt, the proposed Suicide Prevention Center is a cause near and dear to my heart. I recently participated in the Survivors of Suicide Attempt (SOSA) group and it really allowed me to explore my feelings regarding my attempt, identify triggers, develop coping skills, and discover hope. I found out that my experience with suicide is not uncommon. In the United States, nearly half a million young people and adults attempt suicide each year, and about 38,000 die. However, with a facility like Didi Hirsch, so many people in our community have the opportunity to receive help by calling the crisis line, or attending a support group or participating in a prevention education group.

Didi Hirsch hopes to develop a whole new facility and expand their suicide crisis and prevention services. The proposed Suicide Prevention center will be a community-driven research and program innovation hub; a lively gathering spot for lectures and discussions; an information clearinghouse, for the media and advocates; a training and mentoring academy for professionals, local residents and international visitors; a home base for survivors; and one of five command centers for the National Distress Helpline.

Currently, the facility is in the process of raising funds for this project and I encourage your readers to contribute to this cause.

They can do so by visiting www.didihirsh.org, clicking on “donate today” under the “support us” tab. Your readers will then be led to a donation form and can select to give their contributions specifically to the Suicide Prevention Center.

Christina Casillas

MSW student, USC


Supporting Jeff Cooper

We are supporting Jeff Cooper for City Council for many reasons. Over the many years that we have  known him, he has demonstrated strong leadership skills, a willingness to go the  extra mile, a great sense of caring, a good ear for listening and forward  thinking.  We have watched Jeff as he has honed his skills in each of the above areas. As Mayor of Culver City in the past year, he has taken his responsibilities seriously, and has always been respectful to those who have come before the Council to voice their concerns.

He is prudent in his decisions and takes a strong position after hearing both sides of the argument on critical issues. Tough times call for tough leaders. Jeff strongly believes in fiscal responsibility, balancing tax increases while cutting back on unneeded spending. He has taken a firm stand on the plastic bag issue, fracking, public safety, affordable housing and traffic mediation. He makes a positive effort to work closely with City Staff and other members of the City Council.

We definitely need the unique skills that Jeff brings to the Council.

Please join us in re-electing Mayor Jeff Cooper for another four years on

April 8, 2014.

Madeline + Paul Ehrlich


Support for Cooper and Clarke

A common refrain anyone will hear coming from me is that I love living in Culver City because of the ability we have to actually speak with our community’s leaders.  Over the 14 years I have lived here, there have been many occasions where I’ve felt the need to personally contact one or more of our city council members about an issue or an idea.  Jeff Cooper & Jim Clarke are two council members who take the time to listen.

I know that they listen, because they respond not with a rote, gratuitous response, but with thoughtfulness and questions of their own.  And if they disagree with me, they tell me so and give me their reasons why.

I also greatly appreciate their support of our schools.  Both of these men have been vocal in support of many issues that parents consider important to the improvement of Culver City’s public schools.  I have personally seen them in attendance at many of our schools’ fundraisers, and I know that both of them support Measure CC, the general obligation bond to modernize the crumbling facilities and antiquated technology in our district.

During one of the most challenging economic eras in memory, Jeff and Jim have been at the forefront, guiding the city past obstacles that have left other cities in shambles.  After Governor Brown eliminated local redevelopment agencies, critical retail projects were left hanging in the balance; downtown’s Parcel B, Market Hall at Centinela and Washington, the Habitat for Humanity affordable housing at Globe Avenue, and the transit oriented development adjacent to the Expo Line Station.  Through deft negotiations with the state’s department of finance and relationships with our state representatives, all of these projects have recently been given the green light to proceed.  And this was done while saving the city almost $20 million owed to the state in exchange.

Speaking of affordable housing, with the Globe Avenue project moving forward, Jeff & Jim will have participated in the development of the only three affordable housing additions to Culver City in decades, including Tilden Terrace and Irving Place.

Finally, speaking anecdotally, when I recently heard that the Culver City 5K/10K Run for Autism was to be cancelled due to a misunderstanding between the race organizers and city staff, I immediately reached out to Jeff to voice my concern.  This was a hugely successful event in 2013 that raised tens of thousands of dollars for Culver City schools and the battle against autism.  Within a week of reaching out to Jeff, an accord was struck and the race was back on.

Jeff & Jim are responsive, have years of critical experience in city government, and they care.  I can speak with conviction when I say that they are the two best choices for city council this year.  On April 8th, please vote for Jeff Cooper and Jim Clarke for Culver City Council.

Dan O’Brien


Dear Culver City News Editor,

We have the opportunity to vote for two incumbents in the Culver City, City Council election this year. Having watched as the current members of the Council formed an excellent team and worked so well together on our behalf, I urge our citizens to keep the current Council intact and vote for Jeff Cooper and Jim Clarke.

A poem for Jim.

Jim Clarke has shown his  mettle

As a member of a great  team

Our Culver City City  Council

To which he adds the  steam

To do right by our  citizens

Following through for our community

Let’s make sure he’s  reelected

And will serve again with  continuity…!

Jim Clarke has the  spark

Vote April 8 until it’s  dark..!

Dr. Janet Hoult


Dear Culver City News,

This past year as mayor, Jeff Cooper led us through tough economic times and recently outlined plans to increase city revenues.  He works with his colleagues in seeking to find ways that the City Council can protect our homes, improve our environment, work with our schools to decrease bullying and keep our community – our “hometown” – safe and secure.

Jeff Cooper, our current  mayor,

Is a very fine leader  indeed

Faced with grave economic  troubles

He provided guidance in time of  need

He led our City Council’s  efforts

To maintain our financial  stability

Now, for Culver City to stay safe  and sound

We need to have Jeff’s  capability

Jeff has my vote on April  8

Reelecting him will help keep  Culver City  great.

Dr. Janet Hoult


Dear Kentwood Players Subscribers, Patrons and Friends:

As many of you may know, we have recently begun a Kickstarter campaign to raise funds to renovate the Westchester Playhouse as we need a new heating/air conditioning system and theater seats. Our goal is to raise $10,000 by May 5, and if we reach our goal or better yet, exceed it, we are entitled to keep all of the monies pledged. However, if we do not meet our goal, we must return all pledges back to the donors.

While there are certainly many charities needing our support, the one nearest to my heart right now is our very own theatre. We need to repair, replace and renovate much of the theatre including our air conditioning units, auditorium seats, our bathrooms, roof and so much more. We can’t repair or replace these items without specific fundraising as ticket sales alone are not enough.

Please click the Kickstarter link below and donate what you can: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1795814484/renovate-the-theater?ref=discovery

Please help us reach our goal.  No donation is too small. The amount of your pledge is completely confidential. Plus, at certain donor levels, you will receive wonderful gifts such as a copy of our own documentary “Opening Night.”

Spread the word to family and friends and anyone you know who understands and supports local theatre.  We simply can’t do it without you.

Remember–Our goal is $10,000 and we have until May 5 to reach our target.  Please take a moment to click and make your pledge. You won’t be sorry you did and you will be supporting the hard work and dedication of all of us who have volunteered at Kentwood for more than 60 years.

Thank you and let’s work together to raise $10,000 and more for our theatre!!!

Warm regards,

Susan Weisbarth

President, Kentwood Players


Why We Support Jeff Cooper and Jim Clarke

They’re proven leaders.  They’ve demonstrated their ability to collaborate with council colleagues, guiding the city through some very difficult times and toward a promising future.  They’re thoughtful, and responsive to constituents while sticking to their principles.  In short, they’re what we elect our council members to be.

That’s why.

Molly Wyant, Leslie Spanier-Wyant and Scott Wyant


Chris King resonates with an informed youth

Above all other candidates, I chose to volunteer for Chris King’s campaign because I believe King has a strong desire to get the youth involved in Culver City’s government. Electing Mr. King to Culver City Council would allow him to assemble the school board and council collectively and encourage them to finally collaborate on issues. As is, the two entities rarely work together on issues that impact both local government and Culver City citizens. If elected, I believe Chris King will present opportunities to improve our schools because he knows that the young minds in our education system are crucial to the success of our community.

After much research, I have learned that Mr. King is passionate about improving our great city as a whole, including our schools. I am a senior at Culver City High School, and for three and a half years I was under the faulty impression that the school board and city council worked together all the time since the younger generation is an undeniable part of the city. King’s attainable vision involves engaging our younger citizens in city politics because the city council’s actions affect our daily lives as well. Electing Chris King to city council would give Culver City’s youth the opportunity to get involved, creating a refreshing foundation of young, informed voters to mold the future of Culver City.

Kiana Allan

Senior at CCHS