Letter to Editor


Letter To The Editor

California Senate Bill 277 and Senate Bill 792 may cause shock to your rights

Do you like to work closely with your doctor or pediatrician on medical decisions for your children? Do you work in a daycare setting with children under Kindergarten-age? If so, perk up your ears!

Senate Bill 277 (Pan and Allen) aims to eliminate and deny a parent’s right to delay, or opt-out of some or all suggested vaccinations. With more than 300 new vaccines waiting to be brought to market for a mandated-population, this may be concerning. What is causing such a drastic action? 13,258 children in all of CA (population of CA is 38+ Million) have filed for Personal Beliefs Exemptions or Religious exemptions to delay or opt-out of some or all vaccines and this scares our State Legislators and Health Officials. Not sure why though, because herd-immunity applies to these folks too as well as to the immunocompromised. The total percentage of children with PBE’s is 0.00034168.

Senate Bill 792 (Mendoza) will require all childcare workers in a home daycare setting or in a public day care setting to take the annual flu vaccine as well as get the Measles (Merck’s MMR trivalent is the only option), and the Pertussis (TDaP trivalent) vaccines…totaling seven viruses. Keep in-mind the flu vaccine is the vaccine with the highest recorded compensation from the Vaccine Injury Compensation Fund created by Congress when vaccine manufacturers became shielded from liability in 1986.

For more information, you may contact Vaccine-Injury Awareness League 310-621-3566 or email: michelle@v-ial.org

Dear Mr. Editor:

I have been parking my car in front of my home on Tuller Avenue since I moved here in 1996, never having received a parking ticket. There is a one-hour parking restriction posted. I was told that the restriction did not apply to homeowners but I put a permit in my car every year in case. I also have a disabled hangtag, which was not displayed at the time the ticket was issued.

My family sent in the usual fee for our parking permit on 12/20/2014. We received a letter from the Transportation Department saying that there was a delay in issuing the permits.

On February 27 an Officer – Badge # 1053, issued a citation to my car for $60 for parking over the one-hour limit, even though it was parked directly outside my house. There was no permit displayed as I removed the out of date 2014 permit.

I am contesting the ticket, of course, as the 2015 permits, which we paid for were never sent out. I would hope that in the interest of justice, the police department and the transportation department would communicate the fact to each other that 2015 permits were not issued so they could not be displayed and citations SHOULD NOT be issued.

If the Police Chief would instruct officers, issuing parking citations, to check the address where the car is domiciled, before a ticket is written, it would insure that this expensive miscarriage of justice is not repeated. I realize that parking tickets are a good source of revenue for the city and I am not against citations deserved.

I resent it when the street sweepers are not able to clean our streets and leave the streets dirty because there are illegally parked cars blocking the way. Those cars don’t get tickets.

I hope that others who have received tickets for the same reason challenge their tickets.

Tamara Acuna

  1. After a conversation with Sgt. Jackson, the ticket was removed on 3/9/2015.  Thank you Sgt. Jackson.