Leona’s Warm Me Up Smoothie 



Medicine nutritionist Leona West Fox offers readers a recipe for the chilly days of March.


Fot winter energy and vitality

1st step:


2 cups hot vanilla rooibos tea (after brewing)

2 tbsp chia seeds

1 TB 100% coconut nectar juice  (optional) or 1 fresh frozen piece of coconut meat and blend.

2nd step:

Add the remaining ingredients-

1/2 inch ginger (fresh) or 2 pinches of dried ginger

1/2 tsp cinnamon

Dash of vanilla

1/2 cup of blueberries and/or strawberries

1 scoop organic cold pressed grass fed whey or 100% sprouted plant protein powder like these options:


1 TB of almond butter, sun butter, or cashew butter (optional)

1/2 TB of super greens powder like spirulina OR 1/2 cup of leafy greens like spinach

Blend again, drink immediately and enjoy!

Leona West Fox is a functional medicine nutritionist. She can reached at her website at
leonawest.com or by email: leonanutrition@yahoo.com.