Lee should apologize


The difference between the Culver City Democrats and the Culver City Kennedy Democrats is between night and day!

The Culver City Democrats just endorsed CC Councilmember Daniel Lee for State Senator just after Mr. Lee had stated at a public city council meeting that “all police are racists and biased”.

This slanderous and defamation of the CC Police Department is an affront to the brave police officers that saved Culver City millions of dollars from the rioters and looters that ravaged Santa Monica, Beverly Hills, and Hollywood last summer.

The Culver City Kennedy Democrats, on the other hand, have condemned Mr. Lee’s remarks and have demanded that he apologize to our Culver City Police. The Culver City Kennedy Democrats are an alternative to the loony left “progressives” that hate our police and blame them for misdeeds done outside of our city. 

Robert Zirgulis, Culver City Kennedy Democrats

EDITOR’S NOTE: At the Jan. 25 council meeting, after detailing several instances he witnessed and experienced which he believed demonstrated “disproportionate responses” to African-Americans by Culver City Police, vice mayor Daniel Lee stated the following: “I [wanted] to start with these instances just to push back against this narrative that our police are somehow different. We have a very high quality police force, we do. But all police forces within the United States are racist and biased.” To hear Lee’s full comments, view the full video of the Jan. 25 council meeting at youtube.com/watch?v=poSMmWax8VY (Starts at 5:31:45)

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