Learning about trout


By Vanessa M. Andrick

Third-grade student

When Ms. Schnauss first put the new fry in the tank I was really excited. Even though I was in Ms. Beyonons third grade class, Ms Schanuss, gave me a lot of time with the trout.

She let me come up at recess and just stare, bug-eyed at the trout for 20 minutes each day.  She let me fed the trout, talk to them and sing to them.

As I watched the trout grow, I realized that they were getting so big, and more and more colorful.  And as they grew, some lived, some died, 1 was eaten and 2 jumped out of the tank.

When the trout grew big and strong, it was time to let them free at their new home Puddingstone Lake Reservoir, San Dimas.

The trip took place April 24. We went on a really long bus trip, but it was worth it.

When we got to Puddingstone, we were greeted by Ms. Celia, and then went to our fun stations.

The first station, we learned how to tie flies, and what they were made of, feathers and how they were shaped into what they were meant to be.

Next we picked up trash, to keep it from blowing into the water. Then we learned how to cast a fly rod.

Finally, it was time to say goodbye to our friends, the trout. It was a very sad, and happy moment. After the trip, all of us were happy that the trout were in their wonderful new home.