Laura Chardiet says good schools are about good communities


            “Good schools are not just good schools,” Laura Chardiet told the attendees at Tuesday night’s School Board candidates forum. “They are about good communities.” Chardiet made that statement in response to a question about how the school district and city could work together better. She said that it wasn’t just about our school district and our city working together, the entire community must join together to give kids the best education possible.

            For Laura Chardiet, it was more than a statement — she lives that message. She has built her school community by inspiring parents to join the PTA and to get involved with their children’s education. She has built partnerships with local businesses, and worked to marshal all of the resources in the community for the benefit of its kids.

            The forum, sponsored by the League of Women Voters and the Culver City Council PTA, was well attended. Candidates had a chance to give opening and closing statements and to respond to 14 audience questions that were posed to them by a moderator. Throughout, Chardiet brought her experiences as teacher, administrator, and parent to bear on the questions at hand, and stressed the immeasurable value of community in improving schools and enriching students.