Keep reading, there’s more to come


Big things are in the works here at the News. Consider this something of a sneak peek.

First, as promised, is a new travel column by animal rescue activist/public relations specialist/traveler extraordinaire Rachel Weil, who will be sojourning in various exotic locales, seeking respite from the doldrums of humdrum daily life. She will be reporting back with great ideas and terrific bargains so that readers, too, may partake in exciting getaways or simply experience a little vicarious R & R.

Also in store is an online-only column from Holly Braithwaite, who will scour the Internet for all things fascinating and offer her unique take. You can read her thoughts in “World Wide Weird: Observations on Online Oddities.”

It’s also come to my attention that our pet adoptions are not local enough to be convenient for all of our readers. As a result, we’re seeking to find pets in need of rescuing that are a little closer to home.

Want more? Good. We’ve got more. Another feature we plan to introduce is a new column by arts reporter Gina Hall that takes a peek inside the movie industry, entitled “The Heart of Screenland.” Hall is a USC film school grad with a decade of experience in the industry. She will attempt to shed some light on the state of the business and provide some behind-the-scenes exclusives to keep readers informed and entertained.

Furthermore, we’re looking to expand our social media presence. We’re already on Facebook, where you can feel free to “like” us. We also plan to incorporate Twitter, thereby getting news out expediently and expeditiously. We hope you’ll follow us.

Additionally, we’re open to your suggestions and ideas. Is there a topic you’d like us to cover? Your feedback is always appreciated.

So keep reading, there’s more to come.