Just my two cents for anyone who cares to know

From The Editor, Cristian Vasquez

Watching television has become a source of entertainment, relaxation and frustration all rolled into one. There is always a controversy on the airwaves, with some angry news anchor or media entertainer rallying viewers for their cause. Of these rants and absurdities, the one that really bothers me the most is the back and forth about whether we should say Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays.

The truth is that many of us don’t mid saying one or the other. Having someone wish me a Merry Christmas is not going to offend me anymore than if anybody wished me a Happy Holiday. However, I understand that for some people it does matter and this is why I bring the issue up. I am not here defending one greeting over the other. Personally I say Merry Christmas for one simple reason: it is what I grew up saying. Do I feel that greeting somebody with a Happy Holidays is offensive and an attack on my Christian believes and Christmas tradition? Not at all. What I get out of it is that for those neighbors of mine who do not celebrate Christmas, there is a different way to greet them and that I will be mindful of such differences. Being mindful of such distinctions isn’t the result of some left-wing, brain-washing, conspiracy that has subdued me. It is simply my way of being respectful and mindful of my neighbors’, friends’ or family members’ way of life.

Is my Merry Christmas greeting the result of some stubborn, right-wing, reluctance that has been ingrained upon me by conservative pundits? Of course not. It is simple the way I grew up wishing people a happy winter break when we left school every December. We don’t have to make either greeting mandatory nor to we have to demonize people who use a greeting different from ours. While the controversy on national television will rage on about why Merry Christmas is better than Happy Holidays, and vice-versa, I just hope that people do not get lost in the debate and miss the purpose of the season, which is to be happy, to enjoy family and be nice to each other at least during this time of year. Some cities will rename their parades to Holiday Parades while other localities will call it a Christmas Parade. Some people will greet you with a Happy Holidays and others with a Merry Christmas. Instead of attacking the greeter for their message, let’s appreciate the smiles and the well wishes. Speak from your heart and accept when others speak from within their souls because in the end, we really are brothers and sisters.

Merry Christmas, everyone.