Jupiter retrograde and full harvest moon


Jupiter, planet of all things generous (at times, over the top), turned back (retrograde) this week (at 10 degrees Taurus), remaining retrograde until Christmas Day, Dec. 25 (at 0 Taurus). Jupiter is a social planet (along with Saturn), concerned with businesses and things of the world. Jupiter is the lord of fortune and the ancient god of gods in mythology. As planetary ruler of Sagittarius (Sag and Jupiter are colleagues), Jupiter represents integrity, honesty, spiritual values, spiritual goals and justice. Represented as a woman blindfolded, justice doesn’t prevail in our world yet. With Jupiter retrograde, we ask, “Do we practice the virtues of honesty and justice in our lives?”

Jupiter, working with Sag, is concerned with hope, promise, enthusiasm, expansion of philosophies and religions. We deepen philosophically and religiously. We also review adventures not taken, hopes unfulfilled, study, education and travel curtailed. We reassess what we have not completed and revive what, due to lack of attention, is failing. Our perspectives change.

With Taurus representing finances, resources and possessions, we assess (in this turbulent financial time) the value of our money and possessions and prepare for the unknown future. Do we tithe and share? Or is our money used for self-gratification. The latter (self-gratification) defines the thralldom of materiality, being controlled by the forces of materiality and materialism. The new culture and civilization, with Jupiter at its heart, is about the principle of sharing.

Monday is the full moon (September’s corn, harvest or wine moon). It is the Virgo solar festival, 19 degrees Virgo/Pisces. Join the New Group of World Servers by reciting the soul and great invocations. Our invocative work during this Virgo festival is for all peoples of the world to have adequate food, water, shelter and care. Let us invoke this together.

ARIES: Through autumn, you will consider many things related to Taurus – comfort, your value system, finances, resources and earning power. An interesting (perhaps fleeting) thought may concern worthiness – are you worthy to seek what you don’t yet have? It’s a good time to create a system of saving, of appropriate spending that prepares for an unusual future and to seek those in need with whom to share your wealth. You are wealthy in multiple ways.

TAURUS: The past is no longer viable, available or even of interest. Only the present/future is important. However, as the present changes moment by moment and the future isn’t formed yet, your focus is to create an attitude of freedom so that you can be completely adaptable to any situation. This allows you to create community anywhere. Put food and water aside for the many coming to you for stability and aid. Your environment needs ordering.

GEMINI: For several months you stand behind the scenes perhaps seeking spiritual protection or refuge. You know that true refuge is only found when we raise our personality to the soul (and later to the will of God). For now, notice your compassion, empathy and sensitivity deepening. You also might consider a gluten-free diet. Help others more and serve them more. You’re the carrier of joy. Distribute it.

CANCER: Your inner self begins to formulate long-range goals. Consider what you want to accomplish before you die and enter into a greater spiritual realm of reality. Are you aware that state of mind, when we transition, is how we will continue when we return (rebirth) to Earth? This is a broad and deep level of thinking and planning, creating goals for our next lifetime. Understanding this, many turn to you for help.

LEO: The integrity and honesty you bring to your work holds you steady in the light as others assess your virtues and qualities for the purpose of a later promotion, new work opportunity, award or credential. You’ve gained through experience, service and study. Be in everyone’s corner so everyone’s in the limelight, everyone’s recognized and rewarded. Assess career goals and praise others who have helped you along the way.

VIRGO: You become intellectually curious (more so), desire further education and travel. A feeling of optimism surrounds all that you do. Write more (or begin to write), describing your days and nights in ways only an observant Virgo can write. Tolerance creates a deeper understanding. These virtues gestate within you until Christmas Day. Your health is strong.

LIBRA: You know the difference between power-over and power-with. You share power as much as possible, seeking to include others, always creating balance and sharing resources. Having left manipulation behind, you are able to be emotionally vulnerable. Startling revelations begin to occur, providing you with psychological understanding, leading to personal transformation. New things come to you. You are happy.

SCORPIO: Very quietly you begin to seek a deeper intimacy. If already committed to another, you establish more solidity and expand depth in your relationship. Partnerships, negotiations and contractual agreements become your focus. Different cultures and people are of interest. All interactions are successful. Challenges from the past are settled. You become an advisor eventually, become popular and stand before the public. What is no longer useful slips away.

SAGITTARIUS: Jupiter, your ruler, is retrograde. What does this mean for you? The introduction says a lot. But of course there’s more. A certain joy will be experienced. You’ll see the outcome and benefits of your work and know your work is exceptional. You seek to serve others differently. Small tasks become important. You have true pride in your work and your integrity increases. A small animal may find you irresistible.

CAPRICORN: You’re quite imaginative. Self-expression, creativity and a sense of inner freedom are felt throughout the rest of the year and well into the next. A foundation is being built that later leads to recognition and reward. A hidden talent, one you’ve known about yet didn’t quite use, comes forth again and you discover a new aspect and gift of self. Sometimes all you think about is travel – soon.

AQUARIUS: Your thoughts center on home, family, property, land, community and things domestic. You ask yourself what is most comfortable in terms of your living situation. You consider what security and safety mean to you and how to create a home that provides these. You have an inner stability and you want that to manifest in your outer living situation. Nurture others. A sense of well-being pervades.

PISCES: Experiences you are having in life, especially with the world at large are providing you with increased knowledge that turns into revelations, which change your psychological beliefs. Knowledge is expanding you at the speed of light. Tend to your bicycle or car carefully. Equally tend to messages from others. Expand technologically. New friends are made. They are ancient (friends), actually. You’re seen as a gift.


Risa D’Angeles

Esoteric & Astrological Studies & Research Institute/College

A contemporary wisdom school, in the Ancient Mysteries tradition, studying the Tibetans’ teachings in the Alice Bailey books.

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