Jim Clarke kicks-off reelection campaign

Photo courtesy of Jim Clarke Campaign race—Councilmen Jim Clarke, Andy Weissman along with Mayor Jeff Cooper pose during Clarke’s kickoff campaign.

It was difficult to find Councilman Jim Clarke among all the supporters and well-wishers during his kick-off event on Sunday, Dec. 1. The yard of Mr. Culver City Mike Cohen’s home was filled with many neighbors, friends and political allies enjoying the perfect weather and good eats wishing Clarke well as he begins his campaign for reelection to a seat on the city council.

The candidate was introduced by fellow Councilman Andy Weissman as Mr. Everything for his attention and response to issues raised by residents. A special song created and performed by School Board Member Laura Chardiet and campaign treasurer Maren Neufeld made the event even more special.

Clarke won a seat on the council in 2012 when, for the first time, four out of five seats needed to be filled. Since he was elected to the unexpired term of a councilmember who resigned his position, Clarke is up for election again after only two years.

The theme for his last campaign was “Listening to your concerns, responding to your needs.” For the 2014 campaign the theme is “Following Through.”

For more information on the candidate email clarke-4council2014@gmail.com or go to www.clarke4council2014.com.  Like him on Facebook at Clarke4Council2014, and follow him on Twitter @Clarke4Council.