“It’s Alive!” (-Colin Clive, “Frankenstein,” 1931)


This is a new feature in the Culver City News, so I’ll take this opportunity to introduce this new space. Oddly enough, the paper of record in the “Heart of Screenland” hasn’t had a voice focusing on the film and television industry. I’m going to fill that void with what I hope is an aptly named column.

A little about myself: I hail not from Screenland, but the “Heartland” – Indiana to be exact. I came to Los Angeles and graduated from USC’s School of Cinematic Arts and have worked in the business for more than 10 years. I’ve done a little bit of everything, starting out as a production assistant on the TV series “Friends,” worked in reality show production, documentary producing, feature film development and financing and am now working to get my first feature film off the ground. So after knocking around the business (and sometimes being knocked down), hopefully I can offer a unique perspective on what’s happening in the world of television, studio movies and independent film.

We’ve come to a point in the entertainment industry when mediocre has become the new good, and interesting, passionate voices are being snubbed in favor of milquetoast movies, appealing to the masses. Culver City is home to one of the largest studios in the world, as well as to dozens of production, management and post-production companies. I plan to tap into the talent here on the Westside and shine a light on interesting people in the industry looking to do revolutionary things. I would also like to highlight festivals, films and shows that should be on the public’s  radar, as well as take on the hot topics that are creating buzz around the industry.

I’m also actively working in the business and facing the highs and lows that often come with the ride. Making movies has never been an easy endeavor but in the current economic climate, everyone is facing challenges in getting their projects made. I’ll highlight a few of my own adventures in addition to the ones that my friends and colleagues are willing to share in order to enlighten, entertain or possibly scare you away from the industry.

I love to interact with readers and welcome questions and feedback. You can reach out to me on Twitter. If I know the answer, I may write a column about it and if I don’t, I’ll try to find the person who does. I look forward to being the new voice in the “Heart of Screenland.”

Gina Hall is a writer/producer with more than 10 years experience in television, documentary and feature film production. She is a graduate of USC’s school of Cinematic Arts and lives in Los Angeles. Follow her on Twitter @GScottEnt.