Human-angelic communication


We are in the month and sign of Cancer (crab, scarab, tortoise). On the personality-building level, Cancer is about mother and nurturing, birth and nourishment of all life. On the soul level, Cancer is about developing intelligence (ray 3), intelligently working with all the kingdoms, and thus creating a new world (ray 7).

Because Cancer is the sign of humanity (the masses, ruled by the moon) and the sign where spirit enters matter (the gate), during the month of Cancer, humanity reviews life and world events for the purpose of preparing for the coming year (autumn, winter, spring).

As of this writing, Arizona and New Mexico are burning from wildfires and many states if not experiencing record triple-digit heat, have flooded farmlands. We can help. Humanity has the ability to communicate with and ask assistance from the elements (earth, air, fire, water) and the devic/angelic kingdoms, which live in a world parallel to yet within the world of humanity. We can invoke (ask) the water devas to bring rain and cooling temperatures and the fire devas to assist in extinguishing the fires and lowering the temperature.

This work of human and devic/angelic communication calls for a deep connection with nature, a contact that releases love and assistance to humanity. We knew of these things long ago. We haven’t forgotten. In our world today, as all realities are breaking down, let us begin again to interact with the nature kingdom. Actually, in the Aquarian Age, to build the new culture and civilization, humanity will need to work directly with the devic/angelic kingdom – the builders of form. This was the purpose of the founding of the Findhorn community in northern Scotland and this purpose remains for all of us today.

ARIES: Your focus needs to be on home and family. A new reality must occur there and you are called to bring this about. You must have as tools, loving intelligence and intelligent love. You might also take the reins in the kitchen, nurturing others through food. Aries cooks need everything fast and quick, otherwise, interest and energy are easily lost. Don’t give up. Make contact with family far away. Build, tend to and fix a gate.

TAURUS: You’ll have family memories especially about mother. Perhaps your memory will serve as a way to better appreciate your origins. You may also recognize that although you’re still influenced by childhood patterns, a new sense of self-liberation is also occurring. You may find yourself in a car, driving somewhere far away, perhaps seeking a new sustainable way of life. Keep driving.

GEMINI: Do you need to make financial decisions? Although you already know what you’ve done in the past, new ideas are coming forth on how to use resources more wisely and for a future goal. An interesting idea is a visualizing journal. Write down that each day you make one thousand dollars. Each day you must spend half of that. What would you do? While teaching Montessori, I taught the children to tithe. There is much suffering in the world of humanity. Are you tithing?

CANCER: Furthering our self-esteem is something we must consider now and then. What would further your self-awareness and self-esteem? Do you need new clothes and shoes? a new style? Does your home environment need cleaning, clearing and reorganizing so you can initiate a new phase of life? When our environments are ordered we create a fertile field where spirit enters matter easily. During this month, the gate is open for this. Plant flowers. Happy Birthday, too.

LEO: You may enter into a sort of solitude. As you attempt to forgive separations, you must realize your need for closer contacts with others. A seed is being planted within, concerning goodwill toward others – something that’s in your heart but not always in your actions. Allow yourself a little phase of moodiness and non-discipline. Then, be willing to activate love/wisdom. That needs an open heart.

VIRGO: Are you busy with ideas, impressing your mind with possibilities? Remember to balance your mind’s activity with physical activity. After your long daily walks, consider a change in appearance – clothes, hair, shoes. Don’t forget the apparel no one sees. Find the finest, the best-made and most comfortable. This is a part of your new, well-dressed creative self.

LIBRA: There’s much to do behind the scenes. Take each day and accomplish one difficult task at a time. Eventually, everything will be completed and you’ll feel pride of accomplishment. You’re so busy that travel may be an unavailable luxury. However, should you take to the roads, gather information, photograph, write about what you see, experience and discover the foods you eat. Everyone’s interested.

SCORPIO: Deep within where no one really sees or understands, you have a perennial question. You wonder where and what your purpose and place is. As you observe others, they seem to know something that you don’t know. Is there someone in your life who listens? Now is the time to speak with them. It’s a good time to travel and absorb new ideas and cultures. You find answers there.

SAGITTARIUS: Be careful with spending as you could assume a debt or overspend very easily. On the other hand, you may finally begin to be more practical concerning how to use money and resources. When you do so, a lifetime-after-lifetime lesson will have been learned. At first, we simply overdo things. Then, we finally learn how to balance and harmonize all that we have. You’re in between, slouching toward harmony.

CAPRICORN: Your life’s focus, as you most likely realize, is on those close to you. They influence you and you them. It’s most important now to bring forth greater nurturance, kindness and care but within a practical discipline. You’re also to ask for this in return from everyone in your life including children, family and especially friends. Sometimes, others don’t know how to nurture. Well, then, you are to teach them. One more task, yes?

AQUARIUS: Your life is most likely very unusual, with a unique sort of reality and different ways of doing things. You’ve taken the road less traveled, which is courageous to some, but for you it’s your only choice. While freedom is your priority, friendships give significant meaning to your life. They’re your resource and when giving to them, you’re nurtured. It’s good to nurture this. Goodness creates your light.

PISCES: Ask yourself what plans make the most sense concerning your future care and safety. You will experience much change in the coming month, meeting and seeing different people and places. In the meantime, you need a daily environment that includes stability, beauty and regeneration. Be careful with all interactions and relationships. Learn how to disagree with goodwill – a difficult task you can accomplish.


Risa is founder and director of the Esoteric & Astrological Studies & Research Institute, a contemporary wisdom school in the Ancient Mysteries tradition.



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