

Esoteric Astrology as news for week April 18-24, 2013

ARIES: You realize ideas of security and safety have entered your thinking. You’ve shifted from initiating plans and walking away to wanting to complete things which has been, up till now, the work of Taurus. But this month, you’re assuming the abilities of Taurus. You want to build solid firm foundations and long-lasting relationships. You seek personal values and sustainable wealth. You’re changed.

TAURUS: You have a strong sense of self. Everyone senses your strength and capabilities. You’re somewhat shy and although it’s important to project a strong image you prefer to work quietly behind the scenes – doing your best work. You’re a leader, one who illuminates for humanity new realities to be grasped. Like the new economy of the new Sharing Society. You spend days acquiring new knowledge creating a new type of leadership.

GEMINI: You’re somewhat introspective at this time, seeking seclusion in order to gather strength. You will hideaway as your energy is inward. You seek what path you are to follow, whom and what you are to serve, and how to begin to work in the new sharing society. You can be rather hard on yourself, thinking you are not accomplishing enough. Do not allow this self-criticism.

This makes you feel undeserving.

CANCER: Even though you hide behind your shell, everyone can see you’re humanitarian, one who seeks equality for everyone. You try to tell the truth. You don’t like to judge or criticize. You seek to be part of a group with goals that go beyond the individual. You have great hope for humanity. People are comforted by you for they feel your care and tolerance and sense that everyone has an opportunity to thrive. You value your group of friends, maintaining harmony among everyone.

LEO: It’s important to know that power is a quality all Leos possess. There are two types of Leos – the outer, show-power-to-the-world Leo and the inner, quietly powerful Leo. One is dramatic externally. The other has hidden power rarely seen. Both have ambitions. Both need eventually to lead. Leos do not take orders easily. From birth they are learning how to lead. When Leos learn to manage themselves they will manage others with care and compassion.

VIRGO: There’s a great amount of knowledge within you. It’s important not to feel you have more than others. Everyone has a specific amount of knowledge. That knowledge belongs to them. You have knowledge that belongs to you, too. It’s good to share your knowledge with those who are seeking and asking for information and direction. When you use your knowledge with tolerance and love, the heavenly stars all line up and everyone’s spiritual essence emerges.

LIBRA: You have a great magnetic power. Sometimes you’re not aware of this. It has to do with the depth of your feelings –  powerful, deep and intense. You’re interested in what lies hidden, what is unexplored and off-limits. You’re curious about all levels of relationship. Because, always, Librans are learning how to be in relationship. Sometimes you’re presented with great tests. You pass them, adjusting life to a higher level, make a deeper commitment, relinquish the past and know that love is all there is.

Lots of work.

SCORPIO: You’ll be asked to negotiate several things in your life while appreciating on a deeper level those close to you. Although very sensitive to being left out, you never show it. For your own sense of harmony It’s important to work a bit more with others and not be so solitary. You’ll feel more successful it you work more in partnership. Your natural charm and kind nature, not often seen, will emerge. By the way, whatever it is, you’ll win.

SAGITTARIUS: It’s important for you to be noticed for the unique and special abilities and many levels of creativity you possess. Sometimes you hide under a shell, not recognizing the quality and goodness of your gifts. So many times you graciously share with others with no thought of return. You have a hidden flair for drama and ability to for fun and to play. This too is often hidden. Show more your nourisher self.

CAPRICORN: I had a dream about Capricorns last night. Your were pulled between two realities – the voice of the self and that of others. The dream said to follow your own direction, your own set of values, hopes, wishes and dreams. To not seek what others say think to and of you. To direct your inner restlessness into creative expression, leadership and multiple forms of art. This is what creates the path of happiness. Children, family, heritage and traditions are important for those you love.

AQUARIUS: You need a change of environments, people, work and scenery. To keep up with your agile mind. You’re able to adapt to many environments. However, a requirement for you is the to communicate what you know and have learned. You’re a teacher. You’re also curious and think others are, too. But not everyone is curious. It takes intelligence to be curious. You’re excellent at all endeavors. For now though, tend to your money very carefully.

PISCES: In recent years you’ve realized a need for safety and security. You’re developed constancy and consistency. You never make promises, as you never want to disappoint. Usually Pisces is only able to think about survival. But now a conscious value system has been developing. You’re thinking about and building toward the future. You’re sensible and competent. Most people don’t know this about you. But we do.

Risa, Founder & Director

Esoteric & Astrological Studies & Research Institute—

—a contemporary Wisdom School for the study of the

Tibetan’s teachings in the Alice A. Bailey books

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