

Esoteric Astrology as news for week May 2-8, 2013

Out of the Darkness Into the Light


Thursday’s Aquarius Moon with Taurus Sun helps us see practically into the future with ideas that build the new culture and civilization based upon the needs of humanity. We realize we must construct the New Era Community.

Late Thursday night and into Friday Sun sextiles (harmonizes) Chiron. We seek ways to heal what hurts. Friday night and Saturday, Mercury sextiles Neptune. We speak of things not of this world or what takes us out of this world. Saturday, Pisces moon, we need to be in warm bodies of water or dancing into the night.

Sunday is busy, the moon’s void-of-course. Mercury opposite Saturn (Taurus/Scorpio). Previous beliefs and ways of thinking no longer serve us. The past is over. Mars trines Pluto (Taurus/Capricorn). Our trajectory (Mars)? Towards all that transforms. How? We are to identify as radiating the Light of Taurus – the light that uplifts and transforms. Bringing what’s hidden out of the darkness into the light. Without transformation we cannot enter the new world.

Mercury and Mars (Taurus) sextile Chiron (Pisces) Tuesday night. Recognizing humanity’s need, we set about serving those needs. We understand humanity seeks the Path of Return. We make the Ways clear toward that Path. The moon enters Taurus. With north node (future direction) in Scorpio we know the Taurus new moon solar eclipse is soon. More endings.

ARIES: You find yourself interested in your possessions while observing what your habits are. You’re also concerned with the crisis of the times. You know you have a strong will to get through any experiences, especially difficult ones. It will be good to ask your Soul what your life needs, what you want to be doing in the next five years, and where that will be. You must realize both your and humanity’s needs. To initiate new realities.

TAURUS: It’s important to not alienate others as you continue to research the needs of the future, preparing in all ways for that unexpected future. You can at times be impatient. This will eventually create unhappiness. You need to become more sensitive, have more tact and learn cooperation. Many people lag behind you mentally.  Many people look to you for direction. A leader must have love along with leadership when giving direction. Open your heart more. Listen more.

GEMINI: When we don’t have clear goals we can feel worried by vague uncomfortable anxieties. We can feel our life is not orderly and not in control of our precious life. Perhaps you are experiencing this. It would be good to create small useful goals each morning. Make them simple so you can see the results. This small task focuses the mind, develops orderliness and confidence. Our lives are enriches. Saturn’s task of structure.

CANCER: Do not continue to worry. Instead, create your own path of creative endeavors and focus on that path without fear for self or family. Be loving, always, consciously. Attempt to praise and recognize the talents and gifts of others. Everyone is unique. Don’t ration your feelings of care or your heart will close. Choose self-confidence, balance and happiness. Listen to the crickets, frogs and birds of the night.

LEO: Careful these days. You can take your responsibilities a bit too seriously and this can lead to a stressful inner environment. It is good to rely on others, giving them responsibilities. This provides you time and relaxation. Allow others to excel, let them know you value them. In this way you achieve all the control you seek and you are no longer vulnerable. There is more to you than ambitions. Family, gardens and home vivify your life of gold.

VIRGO:  It’s important to never have judgments, beliefs or opinions without deep research leading to actual facts. There must also be a precious compassion within your heart at all times. This will protect you from fear, from daily life pressures and aloneness. True communication does not include dogma. It has dialogue, curiosity and a Socratic way of asking question. This generates social grace that sensitizes everyone. Happiness follows.

LIBRA: Sometimes we Librans define our worth and values in relation to those we love and are close to. Then we find we must flee (run away), create a separation, seek solace in being alone to find ourselves again. To ask what are our own values, needs, hopes and wishes? We try to establish self-worth and confidence on our own. We support others so much and so often, we don’t know how to tend to ourselves. Patiently, begin to define your own goals. They are there. Hidden. Wrapped in gold.

SCORPIO: Do not hesitate to express your wishes to others. Do not try to hide them. Instead, begin conversations on how everyone you know expresses themselves and their needs. And that you want to learn how to do this, too. Safely. Often you don’t express feelings, protecting yourself. As you should. However, you could also become alienated within those feelings. Who can you trust? What are your feelings today? ‘

SAGITTARIUS: It’s time to stop worrying. To find the silver lining in all that you do. You will be, and you are always, all right, all the time. Even in difficulty. Like God is good, all the time. There’s a “big picture”. You’re part of it. You’re good and compassionate. Sometimes you’re humble. Sometimes not. Rules, details and fears that you’re not doing things perfectly upset your balance. You’re perfect and not perfect. They are the same. Imagination saves you.

CAPRICORN: Capricorns tend to be traditional, to present a face to the world that “everything’s good.” However, there are times when tradition isn’t who you are. When you are unique, unusual. It’s important to be unique. Always leaders must act differently, following the beat of a different set of drums (responsibilities). You’re challenged to be part of a group while not relinquishing your distinctive identity. It’s a test.

AQUARIUS: Notice your commitment and perseverance, moving you steadily towards achievement. Keep going with whatever you are doing while also continuing to outline goals. Goals change. Allow yourself to have foolish goals. Keep your eyes on the target. Tend to others especially those who never ask. Give and give. Give shelter. Be disciplined. Independence develops your authority. Happiness finds you.

PISCES: As your sensitivity becomes more acute, you see more into the essential nature of others. You wonder about your spiritual mission, life’s adventure. You’re in a relative time of luck, good things happening, good fortune. Not like a fortune cookie. But a time of unlimited opportunity and possibilities. Traveling is illuminating. Writings are accepted. Maintain values and ethics when challenged. When your gifts are not recognized, walk away. Other doors open.


Risa, founder & director 

Esoteric & Astrological Studies & Research Institute—

—a contemporary Wisdom School studying the Ageless Wisdom teachings.

Email: risagoodwill@gmail.com

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Facebook: Risa’s Esoteric Astrology